
  166. A very passionate research physicist激情洋溢的物理学家 parameter-path
  Russian-born Alex Bronsky was a passionate researcher in the area of particle physics. His work was of paramount importance in his life, and the parameters of his research were limited only by the power of his imagination. He had made a number of important discoveries, the results of some of which he had patented. All in all, he had several dozen patents to his credit. Alas, some of his writing was quite wordy(his Russian background proving to be quite a liability when it came to writing English) and he had to employ an assistant merely for the purpose of preparing paraphrases of his otherwise unintelligible writings.
  When he was unexpectedly forced to retire at the age of 65, he declared: “I cannot face the idea of living a passive life, sitting at home, doing pastel drawings! Although I am quite partial to the occasional drop of vodka, I am certainly not going to have myself put out of pasture. I have plenty of passion left within me to begin a new career.”
  The path Alex Bronsky chose to pursue was to run for parliamentary office. He approached the Conservative Party’s Central Office, but was firmly told: “Your views are far too lopsided and partisan.”
  “What do you mean?” Alex retorted. “The other potential candidates you have aren’t a patch on me! I was a participant in the Great War and I fought as a partisan against the Germans in the last war. I was partially incapacitated, but I later made a full recovery, as you can see. You people are nothing bur bureaucrats, leading a parasitic existence at the taxpayers’ expense! Now, let me paraphrase that: You are parasites!” With that he stormed out of the office.
  parameter n.(数)参数,(物)参量,范围,限度
  paramount adj.最重要的,最高权力的
  paraphrase vt.将释义,改写n.释义,意译
  parasite n.寄生虫
  parasitic adj.寄生的
  parliamentary adj.议会(制)的
  partial adj.部分的,偏爱的
  partially adv.部分地
  participant n.参与者,参赛者
  particle n.颗粒,微粒,粒子
  partisan adj.党派的,派系感强的n.党派支持者,游击队员
  passion n.激情,热情
  passionate adj.充满热情的,热烈的
  passive adj.被动的,消极的
  pastel adj.柔和的
  pasture n.牧场,草地
  patch n.片,块
  patent n.专利vt.取得…的专利权,获准专利
  path n.轨道,道路
