华尔街高级英语Lesson 12(在线收听

45.They’re separating. Sir.
46.Where are they going?
47.Well one of them’s going one way, and the other one’s going the other way, sir.
48.Well , don’t just sit there, follow them both!
49.We’ve only got one car, sir.
50. Oh , use your imagination! One of you stay in the car and follow the guy, and the
     other one get a taxi!  And keep reporting back to me.
51.You heard what he said , didn’t you? Out you get- find a cab ,and follow that girl, OK?
52.Yes ,sir. Uh…You wouldn’t happen to have a few dollars on you, would you , sir?
53.Oh , here you are!
54.Thank you, sir, See you later. Taxi!
55.Where to?
56. I want to follow that girl, OK? The slim, fair-haired one.
57.Disgusting! People like you should be locked up.
58.Damn! Taxi!Taxi!
59.What can I do for you, sir?
60.I’m an officer from the Washdon Police Department and
61.Well, I aint done nothing, you honor!! Look , here’s my license. Here are the
     papers for my cab.
62. Everything’s in order you won’t find noting on me! Honest as the day is long, I am.
     Honest Lee, they call me.
63.Never mind all that, I’ve got to follow  somebody.
64.Ah, got it, your honor, got you now. sorry about all that, you  know. So who are we following then?
65.That young lady over there, with blonde hair and the shoulder bag.
66.Oh ,yeah, very neat, pretty little lady, real pretty, Friend of yours, huh? Huh?
     Know what I mean?
67.Just get moving, please.
68.Hey, it’s a funny old world, know what I mean? Still you got to a laugh, right? Know
     what I mean?
69.What are you doing? She just went down that street;I told you to follow her!
70.Can’t you go down there, your honor. It’s a one way street know what I mean?
71.Oh, darn it!
72.Carter here.
73.Hello sir, Bedges reporting.
74.So where’s the girl now?
75. I’m afraid I haven’t been able to follow her , sir.
76.What? why not?
77.Well, she’s gone the wrong way down a one way street, sir.
78.Damn! Well why don’t you arrest her, then?
 79.She’s one foot, sir; I’m in a vehicle.
80.They get out of the vehicle and follow her on foot!
81.Ah, yes! Great idea!
82.And don’t waste any more time.
83.OK driver, this’ll do.
85.Can you stop, please? I’ll get out her.
86.Whatever you say.
87.Here’s a dollar.
88.What’s this? What about my tip? Hey, come back! Police! Oh, forget it!
89.Carter here.
90.Bedges reporting again, sir, She’s just gone into a travel agent , sir.
91.Well go in there and see what she’s up to .And try not to make yourself too
     obvious. Report back to me soon, OK?
