华尔街高级英语Lesson 36(在线收听

Washdon Police Department-Arrest Report Sheet
For the attention of: Detective Superintendent Henson
Name of suspect: Mr. John A. Berry
Reasons for arrest:      1. Use of bad language in a public place.
                                  2. Wasting a police officer’s time.
                                  3. Damaging property and causing danger to the public.
                                  4. There was something I didn’t like about him.
Detailed report of the events leading up to the arrest:
The suspect came into the Mean Street Police Station at 4:37 pm on Wednesday February 15th, claiming to have lost his car. Of course, this story didn’t satisfy an experienced police officer like myself, and I immediately started to question the suspect.
  After about three quarters of an hour he changed his story claiming that the vehicle had been stolen. Something about this story, too, sounded extremely unlikely and I refused to accept it.
   The suspect insisted on his story, however, and it was only by using the active questioning techniques I recently learned on the very enjoyable and useful training course given by Detective Superintendent Henson that I was able to get the real truth out of him.
     When he finally broken down under my questioning, he admitted that he had parked his car in a no-parking zone and then blown it up. I have not yet worked out what reasons he might have had for doing this. My theory is that he is a mentally ill anarchist terrorist who sees parking regulations as a symbol of everything he hates most in modern society.
       Detective- Inspector Philip. E. Morris
