华尔街高级英语Lesson 50(在线收听

I’ve spoken to the Chief, Bedges. I’ve tried to put in a good word for you.
Thank you, Mr. Henson.
And he’s agreed to give you a second chance.
He’s such a kind hearted man.
So, you’re to go to the Terminal Hotel and arrest Hugo Peters. We’ve wasted enough time following him around.
The Chief says it’s time for action.
Uh, what am I supposed to say to him when I arrest him? I mean, what’s he going to be charged with?
It’ll take you about 20 minutes to get there. That should give you plenty of time to think of a charge.

Excuse me!
At your service.
I’m looking for Mr. Gusper, room number 804. Is he in at the moment?
Wait a moment, please. I’ll call his room and check.
No, no. There’s no need to do that. I want to surprise him, you see.
Ah, you want to break into his room, and steal all his money, and kill him!
Would you see if his key’s there, please?
One moment, please. Yes, it is.
Can you give it to me then, please? I’ll go up to his room and wait for him.
We do not give guests keys to anyone, except-
I’m a police officer. This is my card.
Oh, I see. Are you going to arrest him, then? This is very exciting!
Sssh! Give me the key, please. Thank you very much.

That’s funny! This room looks a bit empty.
Ah-ha, someone’s brought him a box of chocolate. ---and very good ones too.
I wonder what they taste like? I really oughtn’t to touch them, but what have I got to lose? Mmmh! Really.
