影视听力 第54期: 柳暗花明 Away From Her(在线收听) |
世上最远的距离/不是/明明无法抵抗思念/却故作丝毫不把你放在心里/而是用冷漠的心/对爱你的人掘了一条无法跨越的深渠."一对共处近50年的夫妻因遗忘了美好的记忆,婚姻开始遭受侵腐… 对话文本:(系普特网友整理,文本只包括旁白影评部分,不包括电影原声。) “Away From Her” is the first feature film written and directed by Sarah Polley, the Canadian actress. It’s based on a short story by the Canadian author Alice Munro, and its stars——Gordon Pinsent and Julie Christie as a married couple facing the ravages of Alzheimer's disease. That description makes the movie sound maybe a little more grim than it is. It does deal with the devastating consequences of the disease ,you see, the vibrant and beautiful Fiona played by Julie Christie, slowly lose her memory and her sense of identity. But the movie is also very smart, very sharp, comical pointed. It's a wonderfully observed portrait of a long-term marriage. The acting in this movie is very fine.Gordon Pinsent who plays Grant,Fiona’s husband, is a very good actor.He has a sort of craggy, shaggy, downbeat charisma. He wasn’t always faithful to his wife, but you can tell that he really loves her. And Julie Christie is just luminous in this movie. She’s lost very little of her glamour, and beauty, and intelligent[ce]. But the other reason to see it is Sarah Polley who at 28 has shown herself to be very adept not only at making films, but at exploring the themes of mature old age love with great sensitivity and insight. She takes Alice Munro’s story which is very perfect in its own right and turns it into a movie that is very nearly so. |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ysyytl/85342.html |