摇滚:The Rasmus - In The Shadows(在线收听


歌曲:   In The Shadows

艺人:   The Rasmus

音乐星级:   ★★★★

所属专辑:   Dead Letters

发行年代:   2003

风格:   Alternative Rock

相关介绍:   来自芬兰赫尔辛基,四个16岁的少年在1994年冬天组成The Rasmus。1996年发行第一张专辑《Peep》迅速席卷芬兰乐坛,打下金唱片成绩,在一年之内举行上百场的演唱会,所到之处无不风靡,而接下来的专辑《Playboys》又是一张金唱片,进而获得芬兰葛莱美奖-EMMA音乐奖的“最佳新人奖”。1999年第三张专辑《Hillofatester》中的单曲Liquid被乐迷和媒体票选为年度最佳单曲。2001年,他们的一首单曲F-f-f-falling被收录在合辑《Hell Of Collection》中,不仅刷下白金销量,还荣登排行榜冠军,成为该年度芬兰最受欢迎的热门单曲之一。同年专辑《Into》成为双白金唱片,并囊括EMMA音乐奖“最佳团体”、“最佳单曲”、“最佳摇滚/流行乐团”、“年度最佳专辑”四项大奖。如今,The Rasmus已征服整个欧洲,并和Red Hot Chili Peppers、Rancid、HIM、Roxette等国际级团体一起巡回演出。



Song: In The Shadows
Artist:The Rasmus

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh

No sleep
No sleep until I'm done with finding the answer
Won't stop
Won't stop before I find the cure for this cancer
I feel like I'm going down and so disconnected
I know that I'm haunted to be wanted

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows
For my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows
All my life

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In the shadows
Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In the shadows

They say
That I must learn to kill before I can feel safe
But I
I'd rather kill myself
Than turn into their slave

I feel like I should go and play with the thunder
I just dont want to stay and wait for the wonder

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows
For my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows
All my life

I've been
Walking in circles
Waiting for something
Feel me
Touch me
Heal me
Come take me higher

I've been watching
I've been waiting
In the shadows
For my time
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows
All my life

I've been watching
I've been waiting
I've been searching
I've been living
For tomorrows

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In the shadows

Ooh, ooh
Ooh, ooh
In the shadows

I've been waiting...
