
1. Two thousand US marines are expected to arrive off the coast of Haiti today to help relief organizations get supplies to earthquake survivors. The troop increase and a request for more UN peacekeepers comes a day after more violence in the Haitian capital. Former President Bill Clinton also was expected to tour quake damage around Port-au-Prince today.

2. Afghan President Hamid Karzai says security has been restored to Kabul after a Taliban attack targeted government buildings prompting a fierce gun battle. Officials say at least five people were killed, another 40 wounded.

3. It's the final full day of campaigning in Massachusetts for Ted Kennedy's old Senate seat. Republican Scott Brown and Democrat Martha Coakley are in a fierce battle. President Barack Obama was in Boston yesterday campaigning for Coakley.

4. The Turkish man who shot Pope John Paul in 1981 is now out of prison. Mehmet Ali Agca spent more than 29 years behind bars. He'll now be taken to a military facility and then a hospital for examination. It's expected to confirm a 2006 military hospital report, saying that he’s not fit for obligatory military service.
