
1. President Barack Obama is in the Czech Republic, signing a major arms reduction treaty with Russia. Obama and Russian President Medvedev signed the treaty, shrinking both nations' arsenals to 1550 over seven years. It still needs to be ratified by the Senate and the Russian legislature.

2. Searchers have now gone back into an exploded mine in West Virginia. Authorities say the air quality is good enough to allow the search and rescue mission to continue. They are looking for four men missing since the blast Monday that killed 25 miners. Officials are holding out hope that the four survived by escaping into airtight chambers.

3. A law enforcement official says there will be no criminal charges against the diplomat from Qatar who sparked a bomb scare aboard a flight from Washington to Denver. The Arab diplomat identified as Mohammed Al-Madadi, apparently tried to sneak a cigarette at the bathroom. No explosives were found.

4. The man police say made threatening and harassing phone calls to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi will be in court today. Gregory Giusti was arrested yesterday. Authorities say the threatening calls were because of Pelosi's support of health care reform.
