Mr. Braddock: Hi, what's the matter? The guests are all downstairs, Ben, waiting to see you.
Benjamin: Look, Dad, could you explain to them that I have to be alone for a while?
Mr. Braddock: These are all our good friends, Ben. Most of them have known1 you since, well, practically2 since you were born. What is it , Ben?
Benjamin: I'm just...
Mr. Braddock: Worried?
Benjamin: Well...
Mr. Braddock: About what?
Benjamin: I guess about my future.
Mr. Braddock: What about it?
Benjamin: I don't know... I want it to be...
Mr. Braddock: To be what?
Benjamin: ...Different.
Mrs. Braddock: Is anything wrong?
Mr. Braddock: No! No, we're just on our way downstairs!
Mrs. Braddock: The Carlsons' are here.
Mr. Braddock: They are? Well. Come on.
Mrs. Braddock: They came all the way from Tarzana.
Mr. Braddock: It's a wonderful thing to have so many devoted3 friends.
Mr. Carlson: Hey, there's our award winning4 scholar5.
Mrs. Carlson: We're all very proud of you, Ben.
Ben: Thank you, Mrs. Carlson.
Mr. Carlson: Is that the new car out there? The little red Wop job ?
Mr. Braddock: That's Ben's graduation present.
Mr. Carlson: Won't have much trouble picking them up in that , will you?
Ben: Sir?
Mr. Carlson: The girls. The chicks. The - the teeny boppers.
Mrs. Carlson: I think Ben has gotten beyond the teeny bopper stage - haven't you, Ben?
Ben: Yes, ma'am. Excuse me, I think I'd just like to check something on the car for a minute -
Mr. Loomis: Here's the track6 star . How are you, track star?
Ben: Just fine, Mr. Loomis.
Mr. Loomis: I want to get a drink and then I want to hear all about that thing you won. That Hopperman award.
Ben: Helpingham.
Mr. Loomis: Helpingham! Right! You wait right here.
Lady1: Ben, we're all so proud of you.
Lady2: Proud, proud, proud, proud, proud.
Lady3: What are you going to do now?
Ben: I was going to go upstairs for a minute.
Lady3: No, I meant with your future.
Lady2: With your life.
Ben: Well, that's a little hard to say.
Mr. McQuire: Ben!
Ben: (to the ladies) Excuse me. (He turns around) Mr. McQuire.
Mr. McQuire: Ben.
Ben: Mr. McQuire.
Mr. McQuire: Come along with me, I want to talk to you. Excuse me, Joan. Thanks. I just want to say one word to you, just one word.
Ben: Yes, sir.
Mr. McQuire: Are you listening?
Ben: Yes I am.
Mr. McQuire: Plastics.
Ben: Exactly how do you mean?
Mr. McQuire: There is a great future in plastics. Think about it. Will you think about it?
1. What is it?
相当于What's wrong? 这句话的意思是“本,你怎么了?/你没事吧?”父亲觉得本的表情、举止有些怪异。实际上是问“你没有不舒服,没有生病吧?”与第一句 What's the matter?(为什么还不下来/为什么还呆在屋里?)有些区别。在上下文都很清楚的情况下,it is... 表示原因:“是因为……”。例如:
--Why didn't you buy the shirt? It is cheap and fine.
--Well, it is not the price. It is just the style. I don't like the style.
2. to come all the way from...
专门从……赶来(远道而来)。例如:She came all the way from Shanghai to attend his birthday party. 她大老远从上海赶来参加他的生日聚会。
3. Wop job
指一款意大利牌子的小汽车。这是本的父母给他的毕业礼物。Wop 是美国人给意大利人的绰号。最早指意大利非法移民。(without paper)
4. Won't have much trouble picking them up
带女孩出去不成问题吧? "to pick up" girls 指设法吸引女孩,然后带她们出去。
5. The chicks. The - the teeny boppers.
The chicks在俚语中指“姑娘,女子”。The teeny boppers指十来岁的追星族女孩,她们迷恋耍酷,扮酷的、歌手或音乐人。相当于现在人们常说的“粉丝”(fans)。
6. has gotten beyond the teeny bopper stage
to get beyond certain stage意思是“过了某个阶段”。这里指本已经长大,已经过了追星的年纪了。
7. track star 田径明星
8. Hopperman award
Loomis先生说错了本所获奖项的名称。本在学校获得的是Frank7 Helpingham Award Scholar奖学金。
The Graduate 是电影史上里程碑式的经典,刻画了60年代内心孤独无助的一代。主人公本(Ben)代表了美国整个60年代的青年。他们属于二战后婴儿潮(Baby boom)时出生的一代。他们的成长过程相对平坦,富足。不同于经过打拼才取得成就的父辈,他们在逐渐长大的过程中缺乏奋斗目标和干劲。同时,本这一代人正处于从青春期进入成人世界的十字路口。大学四年并没有使他成熟,坚定起来。但良好的家庭环境造就了他温文尔雅的秉性。他极力想让父母高兴,让大家满意。而所有人对他的殷殷期望又给他带来极大压力,使他难以承受。
1. --怎么啦?怎么啦?你们都在这儿说什么呢?
2. --昨天一个著名教授在北京图书馆作讲座。我专门从家里赶过去听。
3. 我能跟她说句话吗?就一句话。
Friends 1 《老友记》1(精讲之六)考考你 参考答案
1. 你泡网吧的时间太多了。
You are spending way too much in the Internet bar.
2. 自从我第一眼见到她就开始朝思暮想。
I can't take my mind off her since my first sight at her.
3. 看电影我就不去了,不如在家呆着呢。
I'd pass on the movie, staying at home is better.
4. 看我新买的手机,够酷吧?
Check out my new mobile8 phone. Isn't it cool?

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adj.大家知道的;知名的,已知的 | |
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adv.差不多;几乎;实际地,从实际角度 | |
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adj.忠诚的,忠实的,热心的,献身于...的 | |
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adj.获胜的,胜利的;吸引人的,有说服力的 | |
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n.学者,公费生,有文化者,学习者 | |
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n.轨道;足迹;痕迹;磁轨;途径;vt.循路而行;追踪;通过;用纤拉;vi.追踪 | |
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adj.坦白的,直率的,真诚的 | |
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adj.可移动的,易变的,机动的;n.运动物体 | |
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