艾伦李德杰尼勒斯(Ellen Lee DeGeneres,1958年1月26日出生)是一位美国演员、单口相声(栋笃笑)喜剧演员(stand-up comedian),同时她也是获得艾美奖的电视脱口秀节目主持人,现在她主持The El...
英语哥张旭又来了!面对近来有关各地高考改革的相关报道,英语哥在这段名为《英语不能丢》的视频里慷慨陈词,细数英语不能丢的种种原因,rap式的节奏,诙谐的语句,不容错过哦! 各地...
美国前白宫演讲撰稿人Jon Lovett,前奥巴马和希拉里的御用演讲稿撰稿人,2013年5月18日在匹兹学院的幽默演讲,全场笑声不断。他告诫毕业生要真诚正直,学位并不能代表你什么都懂。 匹兹学...
Everything I do, and everything I do professionally -- my life -- has been shaped by seven years of work as a young man in Africa. From 1971 to 1977 -- I look young, but I'm not (Laughter) -- I worked in Zambia, Kenya, Ivory Coast, Algeria, Somalia,...
Remarks by the President on the Reopening of the Government 欧巴马总统就联邦政府恢复运作发表讲话 State Dining Room 国宴厅 October 17, 2013 2013年10月17日 Good morning, everybody. Please have a seat. 各位上午好。请入座。...
Einstein, the African grey parrot, has a vocabulary of more than 200 words and sounds; she can perform nearly half on cue. Why you should listen to him: Einstein, the African grey parrot, squawked to fame after a winning performance on the Animal P...