'Voices of Victims'at Durban Racism1 Conference
Challiss McDonough
5 Sep 2001 01:19 UTC
The U.N. anti-racism conference in South Africa has been 1)dominated by the Middle East issue. But other issues also are being discussed. One of the most 2)compelling panels is called simply "Voices of Victims."And that is exactly what it is, 3)victims of 4)racism, 5)xenophobia, and other forms of 6)discrimination get a chance to tell their stories.
Nusreta Sivac used to be a judge in the city of Prijedor, in northwestern Bosnia-Herzegovina. She remembers 7)vividly2 the day the war first touched her life. "That morning, as usual, I went to my work, to the court where I used to work at that time. But I was prevented to enter the building by some armed people who were standing3 in front of it. They said they had a list, and my name was on the list, and that I didn't work there anymore,"she said.
Not long afterward4, she was taken to the 8)concentration camp at Omarska. Her only crime, she says, was not being an ethnic5-Serb. Ms. Sivac is Muslim.
She was one of 36 women 9)imprisoned at Omarska, along with thousands of men. They ate one meal a day, just bread and a few beans. Beatings and 10)torture became a way of life. "So in the evening, the women went to the rooms. Eighteen women in one room, and 18 in the other one. Before we lay on the floor, we had first to clean the floor from the blood. Because during the day those rooms were used for questioning and torturing people,"she said.
Ms. Sivac says every night, the guards would take the women one by one and 11)rape them. She thought she might be spared because there were younger women in the camp. But she was not.
From time to time, her former 12)colleagues from the court would come through the prison camp. She hoped one of them would help her. But she says they pretended not to recognize her. "So being there, I started thinking about my profession and about what I had at school. No international convention, nothing that they used to teach me at the university existed. In the camp, my best friends, my relatives, my colleagues were being killed,"she said.
By the time Ms. Sivac finishes her story, the audience is in tears. She thanks them for listening.
Officials at the World Conference Against Racism regularly repeat that this conference is about the victims of racism and ethnic intolerance. The Voices of Victims forum6 is one of the few places where delegates actually hear from the victims themselves. Every day, four people tell their stories.
The conference rhetoric7 also says every nation on Earth has to deal with racism, xenophobia, or some other form of intolerance within its borders. Voices of Victims shows how true that is.
The victims come from all over the world, 13)indigenous people in Chile, Brazil, Indonesia, China; Asians in Britain; Dalits, or so-called "untouchables"in India; Kurds in Turkey; Arabs in Israel; people of African 14)descent in Brazil and the United States.
The forum has heard from a victim of the genocide in Rwanda. It has heard tales of growing anti-Semitism in Austria. One compelling story came from a young Tuareg woman from Niger, who grew up as a slave.
Another voice came from right here in the host country, South Africa. The story of Lorraine Nesane shows that racism still 15)plagues this country, seven years after the death of 16)apartheid.
Last year, a shopkeeper accused 15-year-old Lorraine of 17)shoplifting. The manager ordered one of her 18)employees to 19)strip the young girl's clothes off and paint her white. She still has flashbacks. And the 20)humiliation has not ended.
"That has not treated me well, because I feel like an animal. I know that people are not supposed to be painted, but walls. And whenever I have quarrels with other students at school, I cannot respond because they always tell me I have been painted,"she said. "When I am walking down the streets, people point fingers at me,[and say] that I was painted."
A South African human rights commissioner8 says she hopes Lorraine's story will go a long way toward healing the racial division that continues to plague this country, and toward building 21)reconciliation.
Conference organizers hope Voices of Victims will do the same for societies around the world.
(1) dominate[5dRmIneIt]v.支配, 占优势
(2) compelling[kEm5pelIN]adj.强制的, 强迫的, 引人注目的
(3) victim[5vIktIm]n.受害人, 牺牲者, 牺牲品
(4) racism n.种族主义, 人种偏见, 种族歧视
(5) xenophobia[zenE5fEJbIE]n.仇外, 惧外者
(6) discrimination[dIskrImI5neIF(E)n]n.辨别, 区别, 识别力, 辨别力, 歧视
(7) vividly adv.生动地, 鲜明地
(8) concentration camp n.集中营
(9) imprison[Im5prIz(E)n]vt.监禁, 关押v.监禁
(10) torture[5tC:tFE(r)]n.折磨, 痛苦, 拷问, 拷打vt.拷问, 曲解, 折磨
(11) rape[reIp]n.掠夺, 强奸vt.掠夺, 强奸
(12) colleague[5kRli:^]n.同事, 同僚
(13) indigenous[In5dIdVInEs]adj.本土的
(14) descent[dI5sent]n. 世系, 血统, 侵袭
(15) plague[pleI^]n.瘟疫, 麻烦, 苦恼, 灾祸vt.折磨, 使苦恼
(16) apartheid[E5pB:theIt]n.(南非)种族隔离
(17) shoplifting[`FCp9lIftIN ]n.入店行窃
(18) employee[emplCI5i:]n.职工, 雇员, 店员
(19) strip[strIp]vt.剥, 剥去n.条, 带
(20) humiliation[hjU:9mIlI`eIFEn]n.羞辱, 蒙耻
(21) reconciliation[rekEnsIlI5eIF(E)n]n.和解, 调和, 顺从

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n.民族主义;种族歧视(意识) | |
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adv.清楚地,鲜明地,生动地 | |
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n.持续,地位;adj.永久的,不动的,直立的,不流动的 | |
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adv.后来;以后 | |
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adj.人种的,种族的,异教徒的 | |
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n.论坛,讨论会 | |
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n.修辞学,浮夸之言语 | |
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n.(政府厅、局、处等部门)专员,长官,委员 | |
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