A film called For Love of Liberty tells a little-known story of African Americans in the wartime military. The documentary aired this year on the US Public Broadcasting System, and a newly released CD features music from the film. Director Frank Mart...
With a population of nearly 10 million people, the Indonesian capital Jakarta is bursting through its seams. To solve the overcrowding, politicians are reconsidering an old idea moving the capital to another part of the country. The rainy season is u...
Responding to criticism of the United Nations-directed humanitarian response in Haiti, a U.N. spokesperson has urged increased protection for Haitian refugees facing sexual violence. A new report by Refugees International, a Washington-based refugee...
Thanks to Hollywood, the word cowboy conjures up images of tough, independent men: solitary, weather-beaten and...white. But many of the Old West cowboys were African-American. Each October, the Black Cowboy Parade in Oakland, California celebrates t...
Thanks to Hollywood, the word cowboy conjures up images of tough, independent men: solitary, weather-beaten and...white. But many of the Old West cowboys were African-American. Each October, the Black Cowboy Parade in Oakland, California celebrates t...
An official in Hungary says a toxic sludge spill, which has killed four people, has reached the edge of Europe's second longest river, the Danube. Officials say the sludge has reached the Danube, one of Europe's longest rivers. An official also told...
Top international economic leaders said continuing disputes over currencies and trade could escalate and hurt the fragile economic recovery. The heads of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund both had blunt warnings Thursday for national...
The 24-member board of the IMF approves billions of dollars in loans for countries hit by the global financial crisis. A third of its seats are held by European countries, including small ones like Belgium and the Netherlands. But that's expected to...
Syria and its political allies in Lebanon continue to exert pressure on the government of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, in what analysts say is another attempt to put an end to the international tribunal investigating the assassination of former Prime...
A group of New York-based tap dancers has just concluded a tour of the Middle East, with performances and workshops in Israel, the West Bank, and Jordan. New York Tap Ensemble founder Noah Racey hopes the tour will help promote cultural understanding...
United Nations talks on climate change are nearing a close with no clear consensus yet in sight. The meeting is aimed at laying the groundwork for progress at a major climate change meeting in Mexico later this year. While many of the negotiators for...
Archbishop Desmond Tutu has retired from public life to spend more time with his family and on personal pursuits. However, the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate will continue some leadership roles. Archbishop Tutu marked his 79th birthday and his retreat fr...
Every Sunday, more than a million people in Bogota join what has become a weekly ritual: congregating on the city's main roads temporarily turned into a network of bike paths known as the Ciclovia. In a city of seven million people, Sunday mornings a...
British officials are denouncing an attack on a British embassy car carrying a senior British diplomat in Yemen's capital, Sana'a. Admitted Alistair Burt, a British Foreign Office Minister responsible for the Middle East and the Gulf, We are obviousl...
The outlines of a Palestinian state have begun to emerge in the West Bank. Palestinian security forces have become more dependable. A transparent and disciplined government is providing a growing number of essential services, and economic growth has...