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相关教程: VOA标准英语2011年
  • VOA标准英语2011--Braun Makes Move from Trumpeter to Singe

    Braun Makes Move from Trumpeter to Singer on 'Sings With Strings' Who knew acclaimed jazz trumpeter Rick Braun could sing? His latest album showcases superb vocal skills as well as his grasp of the Great American Songbook. Braun has turned his life-l...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Anonymous Book Dishes on Life as a Black

    AnonymousBookDishesonLifeasaBlackMaidin'TheHelp' A hit novel about black and white women in the American south 50 years ago has been made into a film that is winning widespread critical acclaim. Alan Silverman has this look at The Help. I was raised...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Maverick Cop, FBI Agent Team Up to Solve

    MaverickCop,FBIAgentTeamUptoSolveIrishMurderin'TheGuard' The cops-and-robbers genre gets an Irish twist in a new film by writer-director John Michael McDonagh. Irish actor Brendan Gleeson co-stars with American Don Cheadle in this story set in the wi...

  • VOA标准英语2011--UN: Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease is

    UN: Chronic, Noncommunicable Disease is Leading Killer The World Health Organization has released its second major report in six months on the growing worldwide threat from noncommunicable diseases, especially the five biggest killers: cancer, heart...

  • VOA标准英语2011--New Tests to Quickly Diagnose Sleeping S

    NewTeststoQuicklyDiagnoseSleepingSickness New diagnostic tools are being tested that would quickly indicate whether a person has African sleeping sickness. Current methods of diagnosis are slow and cumbersome and delay life-saving treatment. Health o...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Disabled Surfers Hit the Beach

    DisabledSurfersHittheBeach Learning to surf would be challenging for anyone, most especially someone like Dana Cummings, who mastered the sport after losing his leg in a car accident. Now, he shares his love of riding the waves with other people with...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Centuries Old Trees Burn in Texas

    Centuries Old Trees Burn in Texas Firefighters in Texas now have the worst fires in the state's history under control, but they are keeping a wary eye on frequent flare-ups that threaten wooded areas where many people have homes and ranches. The fire...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Syrian-American Activists Fearful for Re

    Syrian-AmericanActivistsFearfulforRelativesinSyria As protests in Syria continue, Syrian-American dissidents in the U.S. are increasingly faced with a troubling dilemma: Do they pursue their activism from afar - even if it places their relatives and...

  • VOA标准英语2011--Obama Seeks to Ease Public Doubts on Job

    ObamaSeekstoEasePublicDoubtsonJobsPlan For the third time in a week, President Barack Obama is campaigning for his jobs plan in a state that could be crucial to his re-election effort. Meanwhile, a new poll shows that more than half of Americans do n...

  • VOA标准英语2011--State Department Releases Annual Report

    StateDepartmentReleasesAnnualReportonReligiousFreedom The U.S. State Department on Tuesday issued its annual report on religious freedom. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that violations of religious freedom embolden extremists, and said that...

  • VOA标准英语2011--st Known Human Hand-Ax Found in Kenya

    Earliest Known Human Hand-Ax Found in Kenya Archaeologists working in northwestern Kenya have found a skillfully hand-crafted stone ax which appears to have been made nearly 1.75 million years ago, making it the oldest such tool ever discovered. The...

  • VOA标准英语2011--New Libya Leadership Pledges to Respect

    New Libya Leadership Pledges to Respect Human Rights 利比亚新领袖承诺尊重人权 In Libya, forces opposed to former leader Moammar Gadhafi, backed by NATO air strikes, continued their attacks Tuesday on the Gadhafi strongholds of Sirte and B...

  • VOA标准英语2011--haran Migrants Remain Stranded in Libyan

    Su b-SaharanMigrantsRemainStrandedinLibyanTown About 3,000 sub-Saharan migrants remain stranded in the western Libyan town of Sebha, which has been under attack from anti-Gadhafi forces. Humanitarian agencies say food, water and shelter are in very s...

  • VOA标准英语2011--sia's Ahmadiyah Sect Fears Religious Vio

    Indonesia'sAhmadiyahSectFearsReligiousViolence A survey by a human-rights group says most Indonesians oppose the use of violence against the minority Muslim sect Ahmadiyah. Following the light sentences Muslim fundamentalists received for their invol...

  • VOA标准英语2011--thern Philippines Insurgency, Locals Are

    InSouthernPhilippinesInsurgency,LocalsAreNoStrangerstoDeadlocked In the Philippines, the government and the countrys largest Muslim rebel group have been trying to reach a peace deal through nearly 15 years of on-and-off talks. In recent months, ther...
