The United States and Australia have a long history of close cooperation. In the words of Australian Minister of Foreign Affairs Julie Bishop1, We are the strongest of friends and allies. We have a shared military history going back 100 years, and today, we work as closely as two nations can operate in terms of promoting peace and stability and security.
美国和澳大利亚紧密合作的历史源远流长。用澳大利亚外长毕晓普(Julie Bishop)的话来说,我们是关系最好的朋友和盟友。早在100年前,我们两国就开启了军事合作;而今天,我们也在通过极为密切的合作来促进和平、稳定与安全。
This is particularly true when it comes to counter terrorism. Both countries are committed to defeating ISIS in its strong-holds in Iraq and in Syria, and to preventing its spread around the world.
ISIS is an enemy against all civilization. It's the reason there are 66 nations that have joined the campaign besides the Arab League, the European Union, Interpol, and NATO, and in this campaign where before we were shoving them from one town to another and just falling back, we now take the time to invest and to make certain that foreign fighters cannot escape for return to Paris, France, to Australia, to wherever they came from, and bring their message of hatred2 and their skills back to those places and attack innocent people, said U.S. Secretary of Defense3 James Mattis at a recent press conference in Australia.
IS是所有文明国度的敌人。因此,现在已有66个国家加入这场战役,此前已经加入的有阿拉伯联盟、欧盟、国际刑警组织、北约。在这场战役中,我们已经迫使IS在城镇之间逃窜,节节败退;而现在,我们要稳步推进,确保来自法国巴黎、澳大利亚或者其他国家的恐怖分子无法逃回自己的国家,无法将仇恨的观念和实施恐怖袭击的技能带回到这些地方,无法再让无辜的人受到袭击,美国国防部部长詹姆斯 马蒂斯(James Mattis)在澳大利亚最近某新闻发布会上如是说道。
We will protect the innocent wherever and however we can. But at the same time we're going to have to take that caliphate down or the attacks that you've seen going on around the world that you all have reported on will continue, he said.
The enemy has got to be taken out by military means where they are powerful enough to cause these attacks on others, and we can't sit idly by and let them hold it.
Speaking later before an assembly of Australian representatives, Secretary of Defense Mattis said, We're here to work together in a manner that protects the freedom and the values that we share together and we're committed to passing those freedoms onto the next generation intact. Relationships either get stronger or weaker — they don't stay the same, and we're here as a commitment that we are going to strengthen further a relationship that's in both our nations' best interest.

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n.主教,(国际象棋)象 | |
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n.憎恶,憎恨,仇恨 | |
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n.防御,保卫;[pl.]防务工事;辩护,答辩 | |
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