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    GARMISCH-PARTENKIRCHEN, GERMANYThe leaders of seven major industrialized democracies are meeting for their annual summit, with the first day devoted to the global economy and talks to liberalize trade rules. But the meeting will also focus on the con...

  • 中国的铁路走向全球

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  • G7:奥巴马关注俄罗斯与IS

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  • 美国经济仍在增长的轨道

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  • 韩国总统就MERS召开紧急会议

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  • 中国卫生部门加强打MERS

    BEIJING, June 2 (Xinhua) -- The National Health and Family Planning Commission (NHFPC) on Tuesday issued a manual on Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) for health departments and hospitals. It contains a detailed introduction on the epidemiologi...

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  • 东方之星客轮长江倾覆 载400余名老年游客

    A cruise ship carrying more than 450 people has capsized after being caught in a storm on the Yangtze River in southern China, says state media. 中国官方媒体报道,一艘载有超过450人的游船在中国南部的长江上遭遇风暴倾覆。...

  • 外媒看中国:中国成好莱坞烂片沃土

    图片1 After their tent-pole film Tomorrowland opened to a soft $41 million in North America over the Memorial Day weekend, Disneys executives must now be looking to China in hopes of cutting their losses on the $190 million picture. 周末北美阵亡...
