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  • 法国总统呼吁结束对古巴禁运

    HAVANA, May 11 (Xinhua)-- Visiting French President Francois Hollande on Monday urged the U.S. economic sanctions on Cuba to be lifted as they have caused so much damage. France should do whatever is necessary to allow new decisions to be made, that...

  • 希腊向IMF偿还7.5亿欧元贷款

    Greek government has begun the transfer of some 800-million US dollars in debt interest it owes to the International Monetary Fund. The transfer comes just hours before the repayment was due. This comes as the finance ministers from 19 countries in t...

  • 儿童节关注儿童道路安全

    The report is the first of its kind in China, and is focused on child road safety. It cites hospital sources as saying that in 2013, children who travel by car make up most road traffic injuries; also, most of their injuries took place on head and le...

  • 也门叛军接受沙特停火计划

    Shi'ite Houthi rebel fighters in Yemen said they have accepted a five-day humanitarian cease-fire proposal from Saudi Arabia, set to begin Tuesday. Sunday's announcement came just hours after warplanes from the Saudi-led coalition bombed the residenc...

  • 沙特为首的联军继续空袭也门

    A humanitarian crisis is unfolding in the city of Saada in Northern Yemen, where thousands of Civilians are trapped, as missiles rain down, striking even schools and hospitals. The Saudi-led coalition has carried out 130 air strikes on 100 targets wi...

  • 中国再次降息以提振实体经济

    China's central bank is cutting interest rates by 25 basis points as of today. One-year deposit rates are being slashed to 2.25 percent. The one-year lending rate is being set at 5.1-percent. It is the third rate cut by the central bank since Novembe...

  • 英国首相卡梅伦连任演讲

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  • 中国参加俄二战胜利70周年活动

    The preparations are in full swing for the parade to mark the 70th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. Troops from many countries will march across Red Square to be reviewed by heads of state including Chinese President Xi Jinping. It i...

  • 中国提高烟草消费税

    Besides an increase of the wholesale tax rate, cigarette retailers will also have to pay an additional 0.005 yuan for each cigarette they sell. This is estimated to make retail price of cigarettes in 2015 increase by over 10 percent from that of last...

  • 埃博拉康复者眼球惊现病毒

    WASHINGTON, May 9 (Xinhua) -- The Ebola virus can persist within the eyeballs for months after a patient recovers from the potentially deadly disease, researchers have found. A report released this week by the U.S. journal New England Journal of Medi...

  • 莫斯科红场阅兵纪念二战胜利70周年

    Reporter: Among the many celebrations held in Russia commemorating the Great Patriotic War, the Red Square military parade is the most eye-catching event. Saturday's event was the biggest one held in Russia in decades, with over 16-thousand soldiers...

  • 通缉令2号疑犯被遣返回国

    Another suspect on China's 100 most wanted economic fugitives list has been repatriated from Singapore to China. Analysts say the case is likely to set a precedent for future cases of repatriation and assets confiscation for criminals fleeing abroad....

  • 囧研究 朝九晚五的工作越来越少

    If your ideal job involves clocking in at 9 and heading home at 5, good luck finding it. 如果你理想中的工作是朝九晚五的话,祝你好运能得到一份这样的工作。 According to new research from tax and consulting firm EY, peopl...

  • 美国务卿历史性访问索马里

    NAIROBIU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry made a surprise visit to Somalia on Tuesday to show support for the war-torn country and its efforts to restore normalcy after more than 20 years of chaos. Kerry traveled from Nairobi to Mogadishu, becoming t...

  • 中国金融公司进军影视产业

    Would-be domestic and foreign companies looking to establish themselves in China's ever-growing film industry are being warned of potential challenges ahead, as more and more companies look to tap into the potentially-lucrative sector. China's film i...
