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    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said negotiations underway between the United States and Iran would guarantee that Tehran would get nuclear weapons, a threat not only to the Middle East but to the world. In an appearance before the U.S. Con...

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  • 奥巴马:伊朗需冻结核项目

    WHITE HOUSEU.S. President Barack Obama says Iran must freeze its sensitive nuclear activities for at least 10 years in order for an agreement to be successful. In an interview with the Reuters news agency, the U.S. leader also conceded that the chanc...

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  • 伦敦时装周上惊艳全场的变性模特!

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  • 外媒看中国 热议柴静《穹顶之下》

    A documentary about Chinas pollution problem has become a viral hit in the country over the weekend racking up over 100 million views in less than 24 hours. 上周末,一部有关污染问题的纪录片席卷了整个中国,在不到24小时的时...

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    British scientists at the University of Oxford have been human-testing UK's second Ebola vaccine. The first trial of a vaccine against Ebola at the university was carried out back in September. Doctor Neil Walker is one of 87 volunteers taking part i...

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    The State Council has decided that small and micro businesses with annual taxable incomes below 200-thousand yuan, around $32-thousand US dollars, will be eligible for a 50 percent reduction of their business income tax. The measure is effective from...

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  • 出柜喽 苹果手机加入同性恋表情

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