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  • 农业部协助处理“卖奶难”

    BEIJING, Jan. 11 (Xinhua) -- The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) said Sunday that it would help dairy farmers in northern China who have resorted to throwing out milk and killing their cows through lack of sales avenues. The ministry encourages dairy f...

  • 巴黎游行40余位外国领导参加

    Some 40 World leaders including British Prime Minister David Cameron, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov are expected to attend a huge march in Paris to show unity after three days of terror that left 17 people...

  • 法国恐怖袭击后举行大规模集会

    Officials say it was the largest demonstration in French history, with turnout across the country estimated to be at least 3.7 million, with nearly half of that total gathering in Paris. French news media say more people showed up in the capital than...

  • 72届金球奖名单: 少年时代大获全胜

    Boyhood won Best Motion Picture - Drama at the 2015 Golden Globes, one of three awards Richard Linklater's film grabbed on Sunday night. Linklater also took home Best Director, while co-star Patricia Arquette grabbed Best Supporting Actress. 《少年时...

  • 外媒看中国 12306不如让马云去做

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  • 薯条里惊现牙齿! 日本麦当劳致歉

    McDonald's has apologised after a human tooth was found in a portion of fries in Japan last year. 在去年售出的一份薯条里发现一颗人的牙齿之后,日本麦当劳向顾客赔礼道歉。 A customer complained after making the discove...

  • 法国讽刺漫画杂志社遭袭 12人死亡

    Gunmen have shot dead 12 people at the Paris office of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in an apparent militant Islamist attack. 法国讽刺漫画杂志《查理周刊》位于巴黎的办公室遭持枪歹徒袭击,12人死亡,这明显是...

  • 摩天大楼竞赛 比拼的不只是高度

    One World Trade Center is the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere, and currently fourth tallest in the world. Opened in November, this sleek skyscraper soars 1,776ft (541m) above Manhattan. Its height is a symbolic reference to the US Declarat...

  • 科学家发现8个或有生命存在的行星

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  • 从二次元到三次元 聊聊弹幕那些事儿

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  • 坑爹 彩票号码印错50万美金成泡影

    A New Mexico man has spoken of his anger after buying what appeared to be a winning lottery ticket worth more than $500,000 - only for officials to claim it was a misprint and refuse to honor it. 美国新墨西哥州一名男子买了一张彩票并且...

  • 2015人民选择奖主持 极品老妈母女同台

    Anna Faris sums up her feelings about the People's Choice Awards in a single word. 安娜法瑞丝用一句话说出了她关于人民选择奖的感受。 Terror, says the actress, who will co-host the 41st annual awards, airing live Wednesday from...

  • 英国情侣太胖不上班 政府每月补贴2千镑

    With a combined weight of 54st, they say they are too fat to work. 一对情侣体重加起来有300多公斤,他们说他们太胖而无法工作。 But that did not stop Stephen Beer, 45, and wife Michelle, 43, being able to splash out ?3,000 on...

  • 中拉论坛首届部长级会议将在北京举行

    Twenty foreign ministers from member countries of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States will be gathering in Beijing later this week to discuss elevating cooperation between China and the region. It's expected that the Sino-Latin Ameri...

  • 囧研究 卷福和理查三世是远亲?!

    A scientist has discovered actor Benedict Cumberbatch and King Richard III are cousins. 一位科学家发现,演员本尼迪克特康伯巴奇是理查三世的远亲。 Professor Kevin Schurer has revealed a link between Cumberbatch and the king...
