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  • 中国的马拉松热

    Every weekend morning, the 10-km track in the Olympic Forest Park in the north of Beijing comes alive with athletes and amateur joggers. They embrace the refreshing, slightly chilly morning air and gamely ignore the capital's pollution in their quest...

  • 手机壳的重要性 3万米坠落爱疯6无恙

    The iPhone 6 has survived an severe drop test after falling 100,000ft (30,480 metres) from the edge of space. 在一场严峻的坠落测试中,从10万英尺高空(3万480米)掉下来得以幸存。 Incredible footage reveals the device survi...

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  • 吃货们的好消息 5种零食吃不胖

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    UNITED NATIONS, Jan. 20 (Xinhua) -- There has been an overall decline in the number of new Ebola cases, especially in the three most affected African countries, said a UN official on Ebola on Tuesday. Briefing on the progress in the global Ebola resp...

  • 普京:俄罗斯不参加军备竞赛

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  • 证监会:定期检查非打压股市

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  • 中国预计旅游业投资将增加

    NANCHANG, Jan. 18 (Xinhua) -- China's tourism industry will play a growing role in the country's economic growth, with direct investment in the sector expected to hit three trillion yuan (490 billion U.S. dollars) in the coming three years, according...

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    WASHINGTON, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration said Wednesday it had approved the first device to treat obesity by targeting nerves between the brain and the stomach. The device, known as the Maestro Rechargeable System, is app...

  • 上海取消春节三大灯会惹争议

    It is a real shame. You can't simply cancel an event after the Shanghai Stampede. The Yuyuan Lantern Festival is a state-level intangible cultural heritage. In my opinion, the authorities need to strengthen controls and take precautions instead of ca...
