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    A Saudi groom has divorced his bride on their wedding night after seeing her face for the first time when the photographer asked them to pose for pictures. 在一位沙特男子的婚礼当夜,摄影师请两位新人拍合影,新郎第一次看到...

  • 英教育大臣呼吁学习中国课堂教学法

    Schools are being urged to go back to chalk and talk teaching that was once widespread in Britain in order to reproduce the success the traditional methods now have in China. 为了重现当年英国普遍使用的传统教学方法的辉煌成果,英...

  • 他杀! 梵高之死的惊人真相

    The true nature of Vincent van Goghs death continues to be a topic ripe for mystery after a leading forensics expert has claimed that the artist was murdered. 在一位法医学专家声称画家文特森?梵高是被谋杀之后,梵高之死的真相...

  • 囧研究 男人更愿帮助穿高跟鞋的女性

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  • 日本首相呼吁提前举行大选

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  • eBay让中国供应商与世界连接

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    In the third episode of the Simpsons in 1987, Smithers made his first appearance. 史密瑟斯第一次登场于1987年的《辛普森一家》第三集。 When viewers first laid eyes on Montgomery Burns' assistant, he was black. 当观众第一眼看...

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  • 热吻10秒 交换细菌8000万

    There is nothing as romantic as two lovers sharing a kiss. 恋人之间相互接吻是一件多么美妙浪漫的事情啊。 But scientists have come up with an evolutionary explanation which perhaps threatens to kill the passion. 但是科学家们最...

  • 以巴领导人呼吁为和平妥协

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- A senior UN official on Monday called upon both Israeli and Palestinian leaders to make the difficult compromises that will promote stability and ensure long-term security in the region. Jens Anders Toyberg-Frandze...

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    Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott hails the agreement as a reflection on both countries' ability to be reliable partners. This has been a ten-year journey but we have finally made it and we will both see, both our countries will see the benefits...

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    It may be a la mode to create lighter versions of our favourite snacks but one company has taken the trend rather literally. 创意美食,点亮生活。不过,一家公司当真做到了把那些最受人们欢迎的副食点亮了。 The world'...

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    Within a month of Apple's latest handsets going on sale, figures have revealed its customers flocked to buy the smaller model. 在苹果新款iPhone上市一个月的时间里,数据显示更多的消费者选择了iPhone 6。 The iPhone 6 accounte...

  • 不用冰用液氮 战斗民族的冰桶挑战

    The ice bucket challenge may seem cool if you live in a place which is usually quite hot, but for those who dwell in a cold climate the idea is probably less impressive. 冰桶挑战看起来相当酷,但前提是你处在热带地区。而对于那些...

  • 抗埃博拉病毒疫苗明年或上市

    The United Nations' special envoy on Ebola says anti-Ebola vaccines could be made available next year. David Nabarro says phase-one trials are currently underway on two candidate vaccines. I think the situation with regards to anti-Ebola vaccines is...
