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    CAIRO, Aug. 4 (Xinhua) -- An Egyptian court on Sunday set Aug. 25 as the trial date for Muslim Brotherhood (MB)'s top leader and two of his deputies and other members over various charges, state- run MENA news agency reported. The charges include kil...

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  • 朝鲜被扣船上发现战机引擎

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  • 古巴拳手在中国训练

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    Speaking to the state-owned Rossiya 24 channel in footage broadcast Wednesday, Lon Snowden of Allentown, Pennsylvania, thanked the Kremlin for the courage shown in keeping his son safe. Addressing his son, Lon Snowden said that your family is well an...

  • 800米自由泳孙杨今晨夺冠

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  • 美国前总统计划访问朝鲜

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