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  • 古巴议会强调经济改革

    HAVANA, July 6 (Xinhua) -- Cuban legislators met here Saturday to discuss vital economic and social issues at the first annual session of the new parliament, chaired by the country's president Raul Castro. During the two-day parliament sessions, the...

  • 美国联邦当局调查波音777飞机坠毁

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  • 日本上议院竞选正式拉开序幕

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    CAIRO, July 3 (Xinhua) -- Egypt's ousted President Mohamed Morsi said he is still the legitimate president of Egypt in a prerecorded statement broadcast by pan-Arab Al Jazeera news channel on Wednesday evening. There is no alternative for legitimacy,...

  • 艾米莉奥赖利当选欧洲监察员

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  • 古巴计划推出到美国新航线

    HAVANA, July 3 (Xinhua) -- A new air route to connect Cienfuegos, a southern Cuban city, with Miami in the U.S. state of Florida, via Grand Cayman will be launched later this year, a local official said Wednesday. The move is intended to promote tour...

  • 葡萄牙外长辞职

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  • 古巴国会议员讨论经济,社会议程

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  • 卡斯特罗:古巴进展顺利,成果显着

    HAVANA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- Cuba is progressing and the results are noticeable, Cuban President Raul Castro was quoted as saying on Monday by local daily Granma. We continue advancing and the results are noticeable. We move at a faster pace than what...
