And since we had that meeting three and a half years ago, 自从我们三年半前开展这儿会议以来
it's been a heck of a roller coaster. 真是过山车式的跳跃
and then we took an area of land, a strip on the side 然后我们采用了一片土地,在主干道的
of our main road, which was a dog toilet, basically, 一边,之前基本上是宠物厕所
and we turned it into a really lovely herb garden. 然后我们把它变成了一片可爱的植物花园
We took the corner of the car park in the station 我们用你们刚刚看到的汽车车站停车场边的角落的土地
that you saw, and we made vegetable beds 做成了菜畦
for everybody to share and pick from themselves. 让每个人可以分享和采摘植物
We went to the doctors. We've just had 我们去了诊所,我们刚刚在托德莫登建设了
a 6-million-pound health center built in Todmorden, 六百万英镑的医疗中心
and for some reason that I cannot comprehend, 某种程度上我不能理解
it has been surrounded by prickly plants. 已经被有刺的植物包围起来了
So we went to the doctors, said, "Would you mind us taking them up?" 我们去医生那时,说介意我们把他们拿起来吗?
They said, "Absolutely fine, provided you get planning permission 他们说: "没问题,假设你们计划许可
and you do it in Latin and you do it in triplicate," 你们可以在拉丁美洲做,而且把他们翻三倍"
so we did--and now there are fruit trees 于是我们成功了--现在水果树
and bushes and herbs and vegetables 灌木丛,草本和蔬菜
around that doctor's surgery. 在医生诊所处生长茂盛
And there's been lots of other examples, like the corn 有很多很多这样的例子,像玉米
that was in front of the police station, 长在警察局门口
and the old people's home that we've planted it with food 和老人们的家里,这样我们就能种植
that they can pick and grow. 他们生长采摘
But it isn't just about growing, 但这并不仅仅只是生长
to explain to people what's growing there, 来向人们解释什么生长在这里
because there's so many people that don't really recognize 因为有相当多的人并没意识到
a vegetable unless it's in a bit of plastic 是蔬菜除非在顶部
with a bit of an instruction packet on the top. 有一小小的指示牌写明了
So we have some people who designed these things, 于是我们有很多人来设计这样的东西
"If it looks like this, please don't pick it, but if it looks like this, “如果是长这样,请勿采摘.但如果是长这样
help yourself." 请随意"
This is about sharing and investing in kindness. 这是关于分享和善意的投资
And for those people that don't want to do either 同时,对那些不愿意做这些
of those things, maybe they can cook, 或那些事的人们,也许他们可以下厨
so we pick them seasonally5 and then we go on the street, 所以我们季节性摘菜,然后上街
or in the pub, or in the church, 或进俱乐部,或在教堂
or wherever people are living their lives. 或人们生活的地方
This is about us going to the people and saying, 我们来到大家身边说
"We are all part of the local food jigsaw, "我们是本地食物拼图的组成部分
we are all part of a solution." 我们都是解决方案的一部分"
And then, because we know we've got vegetable tourists 然后,因为我们知道我们已经有了蔬菜旅客
and we love them to bits and they're absolutely fantastic, 我们很乐意他们吃,让他们感觉相当奇妙
we thought, what could we do to give them an even better experience? 我们在想,我们能做什么才能给他们更好的体验?
So we invented, without asking, of course, 于是我们创造了,当然没有征求他们的意见
And this is a route of exhibition gardens, 这是一条花园展览的
and edible towpaths, and bee-friendly sites, and the story 可食的,没有蜜蜂的,承载传粉故事的路线
of pollinators, and it's a route that we designed 是一条我们设计的路线
that takes people through the whole of our town, 带领旅客穿过我们城镇
past our cafes and our small shops, through our market, 路过我们的咖啡馆和小商店,穿过我们的商场
not just to and fro from the supermarket, 不仅仅是从商场的来回地
and we're hoping that, in changing people's footfall 我们希望,在改变人们穿行
around our town, we're also changing their behavior. 我们城镇脚步的同时,我们也在改变着他们的行为
And then there's the second plate, the learning plate. 到这里,就是第二个板块,学习板块
Well, we're in partnership7 with a high school. 我们在与高校进行合作
We've created a company. We are designing and building 我们成立了一个公司,我们正在设计和建设
an aquaponics unit in some land that was spare 一个在高校后面的空闲土地上的
at the back of the high school, like you do, 鱼菜共生单元,像你们看到的
and now we're going to be growing fish and vegetables 现在我们准备在一个有蜜蜂的果树林里
and the kids are on the board, and because the community 孩子也在会议中,因为社区
was really keen on working with the high school, 真的相当投入和高校的合作
the high school is now teaching agriculture, 高校也在教授农业课
and because it's teaching agriculture, we started to think, 由于是在教授农业,我们开始思考
how could we then get those kids that never had a qualification 我们如何能让那些在过去的人生中
before in their lives but are really excited about growing, 从没有过任何资质但对培育十分感兴趣的孩子提供机会
how can we give them some more experience? 我们怎么能给他们更多的经验
So we got some land that was donated 于是我们得到了
by a local garden center. 当地园艺中心捐赠的土地
It was really quite muddy, but in a truly incredible way, 相当潮湿,但是在一种相当惊人的方式下
totally voluntary-led, we have turned that 完全自愿主导的方式下,我们把它变成了
into a market garden training center, 一个市场农艺训练中心
and that is polytunnels and raised beds 那是聚乙烯制温室和培育的温床
and all the things you need to get the soil under your fingers 还有那些你需要用你手指去拨土的工作
and think maybe there's a job in this for me in the future. 我还想或许在未来我可以干这么一个工作
And because we were doing that, some local academics said, 由于我们正在做这个,一些当地学者就说
"You know, we could help design "你知道,我们可以为你们设计
a commercial horticulture course for you. 一个商业园艺学课程
There's not one that we know of." 这不是个我们都知道的东西"
So they're doing that, and we're going to launch it later this year, 于是他们正在着手做,我们准备在今年晚些时候发布
and it's all an experiment, and it's all voluntary. 这一切都只是个实验,都是自愿的
And then there's the third plate, 这就是第三个板块
because if you walk through an edible landscape, 因为如果你走过一片有东西吃的地方
and if you're learning new skills, and if you start to get 如果你正在学项新的技能,如果你开始
interested in what's growing seasonally, 对这种季节性生长的植物有兴趣
you might just want to spend more of your own money 你可能想要花自己的一部分钱
in support of local producers, 用来支持当地生产者
not just veg, but meat and cheese and beer 不仅仅是蔬菜,而且是肉,奶酪和啤酒
and whatever else it might be. 或者可能是别的什么东西
But then, we're just a community group, you know. 但是说回来,我们只是个社区组织,你们知道的
We're just all volunteers. What could we actually do? 我们只是志愿者,我们事实上能做什么呢?
So we did some really simple things. 于是我们做了些简单的事情
We fundraised, we got some blackboards, 我们募捐,我们得到了些黑板
we put "Incredible Edible" on the top, 我们把"不可思议的可食用"写在最上面
we gave it every market trader that was selling locally, 我们把它发放给每个当地销售的商人
Really popular. People congregated11 around it. 相当受欢迎,人们围着黑板聚集到一起

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n.交换;vt.交换,用...作交易 | |
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n.缕花锯,竖锯,拼图游戏;vt.用竖锯锯,使互相交错搭接 | |
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adj.艺术(家)的,美术(家)的;善于艺术创作的 | |
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adj.极好的;极为巨大的;寓言中的,传说中的 | |
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n.食品,食物;adj.可食用的 | |
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n.合作关系,伙伴关系 | |
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n.果园,果园里的全部果树,(美俚)棒球场 | |
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n.食物的一份&adj.帮助人的,辅助的 | |
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v.潦草的书写( scribble的过去式和过去分词 );乱画;草草地写;匆匆记下 | |
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(使)集合,聚集( congregate的过去式和过去分词 ) | |
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