And that brings me to my first major 我写《半边天》的两个信条之一
of two tenets of "Half the Sky." 是从这里得到启发的。
And that is that 这一个信条就是
the central moral challenge 本世纪
of this century 最大的伦理道德挑战
In the 19th century, it was slavery. 在19世纪是奴隶制。
In the 20th century, it was totalitarianism. 在20世纪是极权主义。
The cause of our time 这两点直接导致
face around the world because of their gender. 而受到不公正待遇的残酷现实。
So some of you may be thinking, 你们中有些人可能在想,
"Gosh, that's hyperbole. “天哪,这有点太夸张了。
She's exaggerating." 她是在夸大事实。”
Well, let me ask you this question. 那么请让我提出这个问题。
How many of you think there are more males or more females in the world? 你们中多少人认为世界上的男性比较多,或者女性比较多?
Let me take a poll. How many of you think there are more males in the world? 我们来问卷调查吧。多少人认为世界上男性比较多?
Hands up, please. 请举手。
How many of you think -- a few -- how many of you there are more females in the world? 多少人认为世界上女性比较多?
Okay, most of you. 好了,绝大多数。
Well, you know this latter group, you're wrong. 之后举手的,你们都错了。
There are, true enough, 百分之一百的事实是,
in Europe and the West, 在欧洲和西方国家,
when women and men 女人和男人
have equal access to food and health care, 在饮食和医疗享有同等待遇,
there are more women, we live longer. 女性比男性多,因为女性寿命较长。
But in most of the rest of the world, that's not the case. 然而在其他地方,事实正相反。
In fact, demographers3 have shown 人口统计显示,
that there are anywhere between 60 million 目前人口中,
and 100 million 存在着
missing females in the current population. 约6000万到1亿的女性人口缺口。
And, you know, it happens for several reasons. 原因有几个。
For instance, in the last half-century, 比如,20世纪后50年内
more girls were discriminated4 to death 死于歧视的女孩
than all the people killed on all the battlefields 比整个20世纪内死于战场的人
in the 20th century. 还要多。
Sometimes it's also because of the sonogram. 还有一个原因是超声波的使用。
when there are scarce resources. 导致女孩甚至在出世前就被抛弃。
This girl here, for instance, 比如,这个女孩,
is in a feeding center in Ethiopia. 当时在埃塞俄比亚的一个补给中心。
The entire center was filled with girls like her. 整个中心都是和她一样的女童。
What's remarkable6 is that her brothers, in the same family, 值得注意的是,她的亲生兄弟们,
were totally fine. 却全部安然无恙。
In India, in the first year of life, 在印度,
from zero to one, 从零到一岁之间,
boy and girl babies basically survive at the same rate 男婴和女婴的存活率相同,
because they depend upon the breast, 因为都靠母乳喂养,
and the breast shows no son preference. 母亲的乳房不会多爱儿子一点。
From one to five, 从一岁到五岁,
girls die at a 50 percent higher mortality rate 整个印度,
than boys, in all of India. 女孩的死亡率比男孩高50%。
The second tenet of "Half the Sky" 《半边天》的第二个信条,
is that, let's put aside the morality of all the right and wrong of it all, 让我们暂且不去争论道德理论和对错,
we think that 我们认为,
one of the best ways to fight poverty and to fight terrorism 战胜贫困和恐怖主义的最佳途径
is to educate girls 就是让女孩接受教育,
Poverty, for instance. 拿贫困来说。
There are three reasons why this is the case. 我有三个原因。
For one, overpopulation is one of 第一,人口过剩
the persistent9 causes of poverty. 持续地导致了贫困的发生。
And you know, when you educate a boy, 一个接受了教育的男孩,
his family tends to have fewer kids, 倾向于生更少的孩子,
but only slightly. 不过这种倾向很弱。
When you educate a girl, 而一个接受了教育的女孩,
she tends to have significantly fewer kids. 会强烈地倾向于少要孩子。
The second reason is 第二个原因
it has to do with spending. 与消费有关。
It's kind of like the dirty, little secret of poverty, 某种意义上,可以说是贫困的
which is that, 肮脏的小秘密,
not only do poor people 穷人不仅仅
take in very little income, 收入少得可怜,
but also, the income that they take in, 而且,他们也不懂
they don't spend it very wisely, 如何理智地花钱。
and unfortunately, most of that spending is done by men. 很不幸,大部分消费都是由男人决定的。

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n.(生理上的)性,(名词、代词等的)性 | |
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n.野蛮的行为,残忍,野蛮 | |
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n.人口统计学( demography的名词复数 ) | |
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分别,辨别,区分( discriminate的过去式和过去分词 ); 歧视,有差别地对待 | |
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adj.流产的,失败的v.(使)流产( abort的过去式和过去分词 );(使)(某事物)中止;(因故障等而)(使)(飞机、宇宙飞船、导弹等)中断飞行;(使)(飞行任务等)中途失败 | |
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adj.显著的,异常的,非凡的,值得注意的 | |
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adv.纯粹地,完全地 | |
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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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adj.坚持不懈的,执意的;持续的 | |
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