So research has shown, 有研究显示,
if you look at people who live under two dollars a day -- 那些每天消费两美金以下的人--
one metric of poverty -- 这绝对是标准的贫困人群--
two percent of that take-home pay 他们百分之二的收入
goes to this basket here, in education. 用于这个篮子,教育。
20 percent goes to a basket that is a combination of 百分之二十进了这个篮子,
alcohol, tobacco, sugary drinks -- 酒精,烟草,含糖饮料
and prostitution and festivals. 嫖妓,和节庆。
If you just take four percentage points 如果仅把百分之四
and put it into this basket, 放在这个篮子里,
you would have a transformative effect. 相信会是一次质变。
The last reason has to do 最后一个原因,
with women being part of the solution, not the problem. 女性绝非社会问题,反而是解决方案的一部分。
You need to use scarce resources. 你必须使用稀缺资源。
It's a waste of resources if you don't use someone like Dai Manju. 不给戴曼君这样的孩子机会,绝对是资源浪费。
Bill Gates put it very well 比尔盖茨有段话说的很好,
when he was traveling through Saudi Arabia. 是关于他在沙地阿拉伯的穿越旅行。
He was speaking to an audience much like yourselves. 他当时面对着和你们一样的观众。
However, two-thirds of the way there was a barrier. 不过,大概三分之二远处,有一排围栏。
On this side was men, 围栏这一边是男人,
and then the barrier, and this side was women. 围栏另一边是女人。
And someone from this side of the room got up and said, 然后这一边有人站起来说,
"Mr. Gates, we have here as our goal in Saudi Arabia “盖茨先生,我们沙地阿拉伯有个目标,
to be one of the top 10 countries 就是在科技领域,
when it comes to technology. 成为世界上最棒的10个国家之一。
Do you think we'll make it?" 你认为我们能做到吗?”
So Bill Gates, as he was staring out at the audience, he said, 比尔盖茨看着这位观众,说,
there is no way you will get anywhere near the top 10." 前十对你们来说永远遥不可及。”
So here is Bill of Arabia. 这位就是阿拉伯比尔。
So what would some of the specific challenges 那么具体来说
look like? 又有哪些挑战?
I would say, on the top of the agenda 我认为当前最首要的
is sex trafficking. 是非法性交易。
And I'll just say two things about this. 这一点我只说两件事。
The slavery at the peak of the slave trade 奴隶制的巅峰
in the 1780s: 是在18世纪80年代。
there were about 80,000 slaves 大约有8万名奴隶,
transported from Africa to the New World. 从非洲被运往新大陆。
Now, modern slavery: 今天,现代化奴隶制:
according to State Department rough statistics, 美国国务院粗略统计,
there are about 800,000 -- 10 times the number -- 大约有80万人--当时数字的10倍--
that are trafficked across international borders. 被非法贩卖,穿越国境。
And that does not even include those 这甚至还不包括那些
that are trafficked within country borders, 在国境内非法穿越的
which is a substantial portion. 大量群体。
And if you look at 如果再看看
another factor, another contrast, 另一个要素,
a slave back then is worth 过去一个奴隶的标价
about $40,000 换算到今天
in today's money. 约为4万美金。
Today, you can buy a girl trafficked 今天,你可以只花几百美金
for a few hundred dollars, 买到一个女孩,
which means she's actually more disposable. 这意味着她比奴隶更不值钱。
But you know, there is progress being made 不过在柬埔寨和泰国,
in places like Cambodia and Thailand. 情况已有改进。
We don't have to expect a world 这个世界,
where girls are bought and sold or killed. 不该有女孩被买卖或杀害。
The second item on the agenda 第二重要的事,
You know, childbirth in this part of the world 在美国,一个孩子的出世
is a wonderful event. 是很美妙的事。
In Niger, one in seven women 而在尼日尔(非洲中西部国家),每7个妇女中
can expect to die during childbirth. 就有1个死于难产。
Around the world, 在全世界,
one woman dies every minute and a half from childbirth. 每90秒就有一位准妈妈死于难产。
You know, it's not as though 这并不只是
we don't have the technological4 solution, 技术问题,
but these women have three strikes against them: 而是这些女性有三个致命弱点:
they are poor, they are rural 贫困,闭塞,
and they are female. 还有她们是女性。
You know, for every woman who does die, 另外,每死去1名产妇,
there are 20 who survive 有20位能幸运存活,
but end up with an injury. 但她们多有后遗症。
And the most devastating5 injury 最残忍的后遗症
is obstetric fistula. 是阴道瘘管。
It's a tearing during obstructed6 labor 这是一种难产时发生的撕伤,
that leaves a woman incontinent. 会导致失禁。

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adv.完全地,全部地,彻底地;充分地 | |
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v.利用,使用( utilize的现在分词 ) | |
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adj.母亲的,母亲般的,母系的,母方的 | |
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adj.技术的;工艺的 | |
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adj.毁灭性的,令人震惊的,强有力的 | |
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阻塞( obstruct的过去式和过去分词 ); 堵塞; 阻碍; 阻止 | |
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