I actually realized once in Kosovo, 有一次我去了科索沃
when I watched a man break down, 看到一个男人倒下
that bullets are actually hardened tears, 忽然间想到,原来子弹就是硬化的泪珠啊
that when we don't allow men to have their girl self 当我们不允许男人怀有女孩细胞
and have their vulnerability, and have their compassion, 不允许他们任何的脆弱或同情
and have their hearts, that they become hardened and hurtful 不允许发自内心的情感。这时候,他们就会变得冷漠、容易伤害别人
and violent. 甚至是走向暴力
And I think we have taught men to be secure 我们知道,男人往往在不安全时
when they are insecure, 说他们自己是安全的
to pretend they know things when they don't know things, 不知道的时候假装自己知道
or why would we be where we are? 或者假装知道为什么弄到这步天地?
To pretend they're not a mess when they are a mess. 即便事情一团乱麻也装得井井有条
And I will tell you a very funny story. 告诉你们一件很好笑的事。
On my way here on the airplane, I was walking up and down the aisle1 of the plane. 我是坐飞机过来的,我在飞机的过道上走来走去
And they were all alone, and I thought, "This is the secret life of men." 每个人都在单打独斗,我想“这就是男人的秘密生活吧”
I've traveled, as I said, 我去过很多地方
to many, many countries, 很多个国家
and I've seen, if we do what we do to the girl inside us 我的所见所闻让我想到,
then obviously it's horrific to think 假如我们按照我们对待自身女孩细胞的方式,去对待现实中的女孩
what we do to girls in the world. 那将会是多么悲惨的一个世界
And we heard from Sunitha yesterday, 昨天,苏妮塔和克薇塔
and Kavita about what we do to girls. 也在这里讲述了她关于女孩的故事
But I just want to say that 我只是想告诉大家
I've met girls with knife wounds and cigarette burns, 我见过那些遭受了刀伤以及烟头的女孩子
I've seen girls be treated like garbage cans. 还有人会把女孩子当成垃圾场
I've seen girls who were beaten by their mothers 做母亲的会打自己的女儿
and brothers and fathers and uncles. 做兄弟的、父亲的、叔叔的就更不用说
I've seen girls starving themselves to death in America 我看到一些女孩子在美国一些貌似
in institutions to look like some idealized version of themselves. 可以帮助她们变成理想中的自我的机构中饿死
I've seen that we cut girls and we control them 我看到对女孩行割礼,对女孩进行控制
and we keep them illiterate, 不让女孩上学
or we make them feel bad about being too smart. 或者是,一旦女孩子变得聪明,我们就让她们感到内疚
We silence them. We make them feel guilty 我们让她们变得沉默
for being smart. We get them to behave, 让她们感到聪明是坏事
to tone it down, not to be too intense. 让她们不要宣张,不要激烈
We sell them, we kill them as embryos, 我们还贩卖女孩,甚至是在胎儿的时候就将其杀死
We are so accustomed to robbing girls 我们甚至对此习以为常
of the subject of being the subjects of their lives 认为女孩不该成为自己生命之主宰
that we have now actually objectified them 我们于是将女孩当成了没有情感的东西
and turned them into commodities. 拿到市场上去卖
And in many places they are worth less than goats and cows. 在有些地方,女孩子的价值甚至不如牛羊
But I also want to talk about the fact that 此外,假如我们认为
if one in eight people on the planet 这个地球上有八分之一是
are girls between the ages of 10 to 24, 10到24岁的女孩,
they are they key, really, in the developing world, 可以肯定,她们是人类的未来
as well as in the whole world, to the future of humanity. 对发展中国家和发达国家一样的道理
And if girls are in trouble because they face systematic7 disadvantages 女孩身陷各种麻烦,是由于社会系统性地将她们置于不利地位
that keep them where society wants them to be, 使得她们无法担当本可以担当的角色
including lack of access to healthcare, 包括缺乏获得基本医疗的渠道
education, healthy foods, 缺乏教育和健康食品
The burden of all the household tasks 家务劳动的重担
usually falls on girls and younger siblings, 大多由女孩和未达劳动年龄的儿童被迫承担
which ensures that they will never overcome these barriers. 这些也使得她们无法摆脱社会的枷锁
The state of girls, the condition of girls, 女孩子的境况
will, in my belief -- and that's the girl inside us 这包括我们身体内的女孩以及现实的女孩
and the girl in the world -- determine whether 在我看来——
the species survives. 将直接决定我们这个物种的存亡。

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n.(教堂、教室、戏院等里的)过道,通道 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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(尤指用手指或手快速地)轻击( flick的第三人称单数 ); (用…)轻挥; (快速地)按开关; 向…笑了一下(或瞥了一眼等) | |
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烟灰缸( ashtray的名词复数 ) | |
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n.抢夺,掠夺,强奸;vt.掠夺,抢夺,强奸 | |
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adj.(植物)蔓生的;狂暴的,无约束的 | |
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adj.有系统的,有计划的,有方法的 | |
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n.劳动,努力,工作,劳工;分娩;vi.劳动,努力,苦干;vt.详细分析;麻烦 | |
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n.参与,参加,分享 | |
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