And what I want to suggest is that, 我想提出的一个想法是
having talked to girls, because I just finished a new book called 我们,都来跟女孩开展对话。
"I Am an Emotional Creature: The Secret Life of Girls Around the World," 我最近写,了一本书,叫《我是一个情感动物:全球女孩秘密故事》
I've been talking to girls for five years, 过去五年,我一直在跟女孩对话
and one of the things that I've seen is true everywhere 不管去到那里,一样事情是肯定的
is that the verb that's been enforced on girl 即人们谈论到女孩的时候,所用的动词
is the verb "to please." 这就是“取悦”
Girls are trained to please. 人们训练女孩去“取悦”他人
I want to change the verb. 我想改变这个动词
I want us all to change the verb. 我希望大家都可以改变这个动词
I want the verb to be "educate," 我希望将其改为“教育”
or "activate," or "engage," 或者“鼓动”、“介入”
or "confront," or "defy," or "create." 或“对抗”或“反抗”或“创造"
If we teach girls to change the verb 假如我们能够教育女孩改变这个动词
we will actually enforce the girl inside us 我们也会让我们体内的女孩变得更加有力
and the girl inside them. 让女孩自身的女孩特质变得更加有力量
And I have to now share a few stories 接下来就跟大家分享几个故事
of girls I've seen across the planet 都是我在全世界看到的一些女孩,的故事
who have engaged their girl, 她们都曾鼓舞了其他女孩
who have taken on their girl in spite of 都曾在种种障碍之下
all the circumstances around them. 成功的活出了一个完整的女孩
I know a 14-year-old girl in the Netherlands, 我认识一个14岁的荷兰女孩子
for example, who is demanding that she take a boat 她要自己坐一艘小船
and go around the entire world by herself. 独自环游世界
There is a teenage girl who just recently 还有,最近一个,少女
went out and knew that she needed 56 stars 她要在自己的右脸
There is a girl, Julia Butterfly Hill, 还有一个叫朱莉亚·希尔的女孩
who lived for a year in a tree 她在一棵树上住了一年
because she wanted to protect the wild oaks. 因为她想保护野生的橡树
There is a girl who I met 14 years ago in Afghanistan 还有,14年前,我在阿富汗认识了一个女孩
who I have adopted as my daughter 我把她收养了,将她当成自己的女儿
because her mother was killed. Her mother was a revolutionary. 她母亲是一位革命家,被人杀死了
And this girl, when she was 17 years old, 而这个女孩,当她还只是17岁的时候
wore a burqa in Afghanistan, 在阿富汗,就穿着一件布卡
and went into the stadiums 走到会场里,
and documented the atrocities2 that were going on towards women, 记录了那里发生的针对妇女的血腥暴力
underneath3 her burqa, with a video. 在布卡底下,是她的摄像机。
And that video became the video that went out all over the world 那个视频也传遍了世界
after 9/11 to show what was going on in Afghanistan. 向人们揭示了911之后发生在阿富汗的一些事实
I want to talk about Rachel Corrie 还有雷切尔·科莉
who was in her teens when she stood in front of an Israeli tank 她十几岁的时候,就曾走到一辆以色列坦克跟前
to say, "End the occupation." 说,“停止占领。”
and rolled over by that tank. 最后坦克从她身上开过
And I want to talk about a girl that I just met recently 还有,我最近认识的一个女孩
in Bukavu, who was impregnated by her rapist. 那是在布卡维,这个女孩因为被强暴而怀孕
And she was holding her baby. 她把孩子抱在怀里
And I asked her if she loved her baby. 我问她,是否喜欢这个孩子
And she looked into her baby's eyes and she said, 她看着孩子的眼睛,说
"Of course I love my baby. How could I not love my baby? “那当然。我怎么可能不喜爱自己的孩子呢?
It's my baby and it's full of love." 这确实是我的孩子啊,他的身上流淌着爱。"
The capacity for girls to overcome situations 女孩那种对抗困境并且
and to move on levels, to me, is mind-blowing. 穷而益坚的精神着实让我感动
There is a girl named Dorcas, and I just met her in Kenya. 还有个叫多卡丝的女孩,我是在肯尼亚见到她的
Dorcas is 15 years old, 那时候多卡丝15岁
and she was trained in self-defense. 她学习自卫
A few months ago she was picked up on the street 几个月前,
by three older men. 她在路上被三个男人劫持了,
They kidnapped her, they put her in a car. 他们绑架了她,把她丢到车上
And through her self-defense, she grabbed their Adam's apples, 她勇敢地自卫,抓住他们的喉咙
she punched them in the eyes 用拳头打他们的眼睛
and she got herself free and out of the car. 终于得以逃脱那班人的魔爪,逃离了那辆车

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v.刺青,文身( tattoo的过去式和过去分词 );连续有节奏地敲击;作连续有节奏的敲击 | |
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n.邪恶,暴行( atrocity的名词复数 );滔天大罪 | |
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adj.在...下面,在...底下;adv.在下面 | |
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adv.照字面意义,逐字地;确实 | |
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