Now, as we pull down here, we still have a whole set of creatures living on the surface of the planet. 现在当我摧毁这里的时候,在这个星球上其实还居住着一系列的生物,
In fact, I can look over here, 我可以从这里俯视。
and this is kind of a little simplified food web that's going on with the creatures. 这里的生物有一个简化了的小食物链。
I can open this up and then scan what exists on the surface, 我可以打开这个,浏览哪些生物存在于这个表面,
and get some sense of the diversity of creatures that were brought in. 了解其中生物的多样性。
Some of these were created by the player, 其中有些时由玩家自己创作的,
others by other players and automatically sent over here. 有的是由其他玩家创造的,自动分配到这里来的。
But there's a very simple little kind of calculation of what's required, 但是这里面也要求一些简单的计算,
how much plants are required for the herbivores to live, 比如为了草食动物的存活,需要多少植物,
how many herbivores for the carnivores to eat, etc., 为了我肉食动物的存活,需要多少草食动物,
Now also with this phase, we're getting more and more God-like powers for the player, 同样,在这个阶段,我们给了玩家更多的造物的权利,
and you can kind of experiment with this planet again as a toy. 你可以用这个玩具星球来实现。
So I can come in and I can do things, and just treat this planet as a lump of clay. 我可以进入其中,可以摆弄它,可以把这个星球当做一块橡皮泥。
We have very simple little weather systems you see here, very simple geology. 这里我们有一个简单的天气系统,很简单的地理状况。
For instance, I could open one of my tools here and then carve out rivers. 比如,我可以在这里使用一个工具,比如,开凿河流。
So this whole thing is kind of like a big lump of clay, a sculpture. 这整个星球就像是一块巨大的橡皮泥,一个雕塑。
I can also play with the dynamics of this world over time. 我还可以不断控制这个世界的动态变化。
So one of the things I can do is start pumping more CO2 gases into the atmosphere, 因此,我可以往大气中倾倒更多二氧化碳,
and so that's what I'm doing here. 就像这样。
There's actually a little read out down there of our planetary atmosphere, pressure and temperature. 这下面有一些关于我们这个星球的大气环境的指数,包括气压,温度。
So as I start pumping in more atmosphere, 所以当我开始增加气体时,
we're going to start pushing up the greenhouse gases here 我们就会提高温室气体的含量,
and if you'll start noticing, we start seeing the ocean levels rise over time. 如果你注意看的话,就会发现海平面上升了。
And our cities are going to be at risk too, because a lot of these are coastal3 cities. 而我们的城市就会有危险,因为许多城市就在海岸边。
You can see the ocean levels are rising now and as they encroach upon the cities, 你可以看见海平面正在上升,海水在侵蚀城市,
I'll start losing cities here. 这里我失掉了不少城市。
So basically, I want the players to be able to experiment and explore a huge amount of failure space. 所以我希望玩家能够试验和探索,了解各种太空中的失败
So there goes one city. 你看,一个城市毁灭了。
Now over time, this is actually going to heat up the planet. 渐渐地,星球的温度提高了。
So at first what we're going to see is a global ocean rise here on this little toy planet, 在这个小小玩具星球上,我们首先会遇到的就是全球海平面上升。
but then over time -- I can speed it up just a little bit -- 逐渐地——我可以加快点速度——
we'll actually see the heat impact of that as well. 我们也可以看见升温带来的影响。
So not only will it get hotter, 它不仅仅会变得更热,
So at first they'll go up, and then they'll evaporate, and that'll be my planet. 所以海洋先上升,然后蒸发,这就是我的星球。
So basically, what we're getting here is 我们正在经历的可能是
the sequel to "An Inconvenient5 Truth," in about two minutes, 《难以忽视的真相》的两分钟的续集,
and that actually brings up an interesting point about games. 这让游戏变得很有趣。
Now here, our entire oceans are evaporating off the surface, 现在我们所有的海洋正在从表面开始蒸发。
and as it keeps getting hotter at some point the entire planet's going to melt down. 随着温度越来越高,整个星球可能会在某一刻融化掉。
Here it goes. 你看。
So we're not only simulating biological dynamics -- food webs and all that -- 所以我们不仅仅是在模拟生物的变化——像食物链等——
And what's interesting to me about games, 对我来说,游戏的有趣之处有时
in some sense, is that I think we can take a lot of long-term dynamics 在于我们可以将一些长期的变化
and compress them into very short-term kind of experiences. 压缩成短期的经历。
Because it's so hard for people to think 50 or 100 years out, 把五十甚至一百年内发生的事情想清楚实在太难了,
but when you can give them a toy, 但是如果你能给他们一个玩具,
and they can experience these long-term dynamics in just a few minutes, 让他们在几分钟之内去经历这些长期的变化,
I think it's an entirely different kind of point of view, 我认为就是一种全然不同的观点了,
where we're actually mapping, using the game to re-map our intuition. 我们可以呈现,用游戏去再现我们的直觉。
It's almost in the same way that a telescope or microscope recalibrates your eyesight; 就像是望远镜或者显微镜重新校准了你的视力
I think computer simulations can recalibrate your instinct across vast scales of both space and time. 我觉得电脑模拟可以大规模地跨越空间和时间校准你的直觉。

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n.力学,动力学,动力,原动力;动态 | |
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adv.积极地,勤奋地 | |
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adj.海岸的,沿海的,沿岸的 | |
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ad.全部地,完整地;完全地,彻底地 | |
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adj.不方便的,令人感到麻烦的 | |
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adj.地质的 | |
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