The final one I want to talk about -- and it's a great one to end on -- 我最后想讲的是——用来结尾很好的例子是
a dynamic in which everyone has to work together to achieve something. 人们需要一起工作来达到某个目标的动机。
And communal discovery is powerful because it leverages 社群探索有影响力的原因是因为
the network that is society to solve problems. 它能够利用人际网络解决各种问题。
This is used in some sort of famous consumer web stories, 它多用于著名的网上店铺,
like Digg, which I'm sure you've all heard of. 例如Digg,我相信你们都听说过。
Digg is a communal dynamic to try to find and source the best news, the most interesting stories. Digg就是一个社群动力寻找最好的新闻,最有趣的故事。
They had a leader board, where, if you recommended the best stories, you would get points. 当你推荐的某个故事上了网站首页,你会得到加分。
And that really motivated people to find the best stories. 这激励人们去寻找最好的故事。
But it became so powerful that there was actually a cabal, 这很有影响力,很像某种帮派,
a group of people, the top seven on the leader board, 也就是一群人,领袖榜的前七个,
who would work together to make sure they maintained that position. 他们会通力合作保证他们的位置。
And they would recommend other people's stories, and the game became more powerful than the goal. 他们会推荐彼此的故事。游戏的过程变得比目标达成的影响力更大。
And they actually had to end up shutting down the leader board because while it was effective, 最后,霸占主页成为主要的目标,当这种情形发生时,
it was so powerful that it stopped sourcing the best stories 社群动力就会使参与者不再推荐好故事,
and started having people work to maintain their leadership. 并且,有些人开始专门为了维持领导地位忙活。
So we have to use this one carefully. 所以我们必须谨慎使用这一动机。
where the game is not the Monopoly game you're playing, 这不像我们平常玩的大富翁游戏,
but the sort of cottage industries that form to try and find Boardwalk, right. 消费者会像寻找农舍一样寻找滨海长堤
And now they're just looking for a little sticker that says "Boardwalk." 他们都希望找到一种有“滨海长堤”的小贴纸。
But it can also be used to find real things. 这能够用于寻找真实存在的东西。
This is the DARPA balloon challenge, DARPA推出了气球挑战赛,
where they hid a couple balloons all across the United States and said, 他们随机在美国境内放了10个气球,他们宣布
"Use networks. Try and find these balloons fastest, and the winner will get $40,000." “请使用网络,最快找到这些气球的人会得到4万美元奖金。”
And the winner was actually a group out of MIT, 拿走奖金的是麻省理工的一个团队,
where they created sort of a pyramid scheme, a network, 他们制作了一个类似于老鼠会的网站,
where the first person to recommend the location of a balloon got $2,000 第一个到网站报告气球位置的人就能拿到2000美元,
and anyone else to push that recommendation4 up also got a cut of it. 并且把这个消息传给其他人就能够分到一些。
And in 12 hours, they were able to find all these balloons, all across the country, right. 12个小时后,他们发现了境内的所有10个气球。
Really powerful dynamic. 真的是非常有效的驱动力。
And so, I've got about 20 seconds left, 我还有20秒钟的时间,
so if I'm going to leave you with anything, 让我做个总结,
last decade was the decade of social. 过去的十年是网络社交的黄金十年。
This next decade is the decade of games. 接下来的十年是游戏社交的十年。
We can influence behavior. 我们影响行为。
It is very powerful. It is very exciting. 这很有影响力,这很激动人心。
Let's all build it together, let's do it well and have fun playing. 让我们共同打造这个游戏社交圈,让我们一起玩游戏。

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adj.公有的,公共的,公社的,公社制的 | |
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adv.最初,开始 | |
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n.垄断,专卖,垄断物(商品),专卖商品 | |
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n.推荐(信)建议,优点,长处 | |
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n.力学,动力学,动力,原动力;动态 | |
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