Like if I say, "Think about a church steeple" 比如说,“请想象一下教堂的石柱”
Now, maybe that's not true in this room, 也许这个房间里的人的答案会很不一样
but it's going to be true in a lot of different places. 但对于大多数的地方来说,这都是适用的
I see only specific pictures. 而我只是注意到某一类的图像
They flash up into my memory, just like Google for pictures. 它们会飞进我的记忆,就像用谷歌搜索图片一样快
And in the movie, they've got a great scene in there 形成电影,里面的画面还相当精彩
where the word "shoe" is said, and a whole bunch of '50s and '60s shoes pop into my imagination. 比如当提到“鞋子”这个词的时候,我大脑就马上会呈现出一大堆五六十年代的鞋子
OK, there is my childhood church, that's specific. There's some more, Fort Collins. 看,这是我孩子时代的教堂,在我的记忆里是如此的精确的。还有更多,比如柯林斯户城
OK, how about famous ones? 好,那些更为著名的建筑呢?
And they just kind of come up, kind of like this. 它们会旋即跳到我的脑海,有点像是这个样子
Just really quickly, like Google for pictures. 非常快,像是谷歌图片搜索
And they come up one at a time, 每次是出现一张图片
and then I think, "OK, well maybe we can have it snow, or we can have a thunderstorm," 我还会想,也许还可以是下雪或者是雷暴
and I can hold it there and turn them into videos. 还可以将其定格,变成影片
Now, visual thinking was a tremendous asset in my work designing cattle-handling facilities. 对于我来说,视觉思考是一个巨大的财富,在设计牛群栅栏方面非常有帮助
And I've worked really hard on improving how cattle are treated at the slaughter2 plant. 我也进行了大量的努力去改善牛只在屠宰场的境况
I'm not going to go into any gucky slaughter slides. 这里就不展示那些充满血腥的屠宰幻灯片了
I've got that stuff up on YouTube if you want to look at it. 在YouTube上面有,要看你们可以自己去看
But, one of the things that I was able to do in my design work 在我的设计工作中
is I could actually test run a piece of equipment in my mind, 我可以直接在脑海里测试某一个方案,看它是否可行
just like a virtual reality computer system. 跟虚拟的计算机系统差不多
And this is an aerial view of a recreation of one of my projects that was used in the movie. 这个是空中的视图,这是在电影里看到的一个基于我的项目的再创作
That was like just so super cool. 那真的是非常妙
And there were a lot of kind of Asperger types and autism types working out there on the movie set too. 在电影里还有很多其他的Asperger和各种自闭症的类型,电影里都展现出来了
But one of the things that really worries me is: 但最为使得我担心的是
Where's the younger version of those kids going today? 我们今天把这样的孩子带到怎样的方向
Now, one of the things I learned very early on because I wasn't that social, 因为我不甚擅长社交,我很早就学会的一件事就是
is I had to sell my work, and not myself. 我要学会推销我的书,而不是我自己
And the way I sold livestock4 jobs is I showed off my drawings, I showed off pictures of things. 我要获得牲畜监护的工作,我要把我的画画给他们看,他们需要看到这些图像的东西
Another thing that helped me as a little kid is, boy, in the '50s, you were taught manners. 另外我一直为之受用的是,在我小的时候,我的父母告诉我们,你不能
You were taught you can't pull the merchandise off the shelves in the store and throw it around. 从商店的货架上拿东西,然后又到处乱放
Now, when kids get to be in third or fourth grade, 当我见到三四年级的学生时
you might see that this kid's going to be a visual thinker, drawing in perspective. 我可以看出这些孩子会成为视觉思考者,因为他们懂得透视的画法
Now, I want to emphasize that not every autistic kid is going to be a visual thinker. 好,我还想强调一点,并非每一个自闭症的孩子都是视觉思考者
Now, I had this brain scan done several years ago, 我几年前完成了这份脑电波的视图
and I used to joke around about having a gigantic Internet trunk line going deep into my visual cortex. 我曾跟别人开玩笑说,在我的视觉皮层上有一条很深的互联网沟壑
This is tensor imaging. 这是张量成像
And my great big internet trunk line is twice as big as the control's. 从图上可以看到,我的大脑上的互联网沟壑是控制组的两倍大小
The red lines there are me, and the blue lines are the sex and age-matched control. 红色的代表我, 蓝色的是跟我同一性别和年龄的对比测试结果
And there I got a gigantic one, and the control over there, the blue one, has got a really small one. 我的是巨大的,相比之下,对照组的蓝色区域则相当小
And some of the research now is showing is that people on the spectrum5 actually think with primary visual cortex. 现在有的研究显示,这一圈的人通常都是用她们的主视觉皮层来思考
Now, the thing is, the visual thinker's just one kind of mind. 但事实上,视觉思考者仅仅是其中一种的心智模式

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adj.一般的,普通的,共有的 | |
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n.屠杀,屠宰;vt.屠杀,宰杀 | |
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n.硅(旧名矽) | |
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n.家畜,牲畜 | |
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n.谱,光谱,频谱;范围,幅度,系列 | |
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