Now, Van Gogh doesn't know anything about physics, 凡高并不懂得物理
but I think it's very interesting that there was some work done to show that 但非常有趣的是,有研究表明
this eddy1 pattern in this painting followed a statistical2 model of turbulence3, 在这幅画里的这些起伏的图案,它实际上是跟湍流的一种统计模型非常像的
which brings up the whole interesting idea of maybe some of this mathematical patterns is in our own head. 这就带出一个非常有趣的说法,也许这样的数学模型就在我们的脑中
And the Wolfram stuff -- I was taking notes and I was writing down all the search words I could use, 刚才Wolfram在这里演示的时候,我一直在写笔记,并且记下了那些搜索的关键词
because I think that's going to go on in my autism lectures. 因为我想到以后关于自闭症的演讲上会用得到
We've got to show these kids interesting stuff. 我们必须给这些孩子看有趣的东西
And they've taken out the autoshop class and the drafting class and the art class. 可惜的是,这些学校竟然将手工课程,绘画以及艺术课程都取消了
I mean art was my best subject in school. 我记得我上学的时候,美术是我最喜欢的
We've got to think about all these different kinds of minds, 我们必须要考虑到这么多不同类型的心智
and we've got to absolutely work with these kind of minds, 并且与他们一道解决他们的问题
because we absolutely are going to need these kind of people in the future. 因为我们未来非常需要这样的人才
And let's talk about jobs. 好吧,我们再讲讲工作
OK, my science teacher got me studying because I was a goofball that didn't want to study. 我的科学老师他有办法让我学习,虽然那时候我是个捣蛋鬼也不爱学习
But you know what? I was getting work experience. 但你知道吗?我在课堂之外却增长了不少工作经验呢
I'm seeing too many of these smart kids who haven't learned basic things, like how to be on time. 我今天看到许多聪明的孩子竟然连一些基本的东西也没有学会,比如守时
I was taught that when I was eight years old. 我八岁的时候就学会了这个
You know, how to have table manners at granny's Sunday party. 还有礼拜天在祖母家的时要怎样有礼貌
I was taught that when I was very, very young. 这些是很小很小的时候家里人就教会我的
And when I was 13, I had a job at a dressmaker's shop sewing clothes. 13岁的时候,我在一家成衣工厂获得一份工作,我负责卖衣服
I did internships in college, 我还到大学里做实习
I was building things, and I also had to learn how to do assignments. 还有是制作东西,也学会做作业
You know, all I wanted to do was draw pictures of horses when I was little. 当我很小的时候,我就只是想画马
My mother said, "Well let's do a picture of something else." 母亲说,“我们画点别的东西吧”
They've got to learn how to do something else. 自闭症的孩子是必须学会做别的东西的
Let's say the kid is fixated on Legos. 比方说这个孩子就喜欢玩Legos的积木
Let's get him working on building different things. 那我们可以让他去制作不同的东西
The thing about the autistic mind is it tends to be fixated. 自闭症有这样一个特点,就是这些人的心智往往就只是盯住一点
Like if a kid loves racecars, let's use racecars for math. 比如一个孩子喜欢玩赛车,那我们可以用赛车来教会孩子数学
Let's figure out how long it takes a racecar to go a certain distance. 让我们教会孩子计算赛车走某一段路所用的时间
In other words, use that fixation in order to motivate that kid, that's one of the things we need to do. 换句话说,就是用孩子的专注来启发他。这是我们必须做的事情之一
I really get fed up when they, you know, the teachers, 当我看到那些老师
especially when you get away from this part of the country, 特别是当我去到那些非科技密集城市的时候
they don't know what to do with these smart kids. 那里的老师不知道怎么教这些孩子
It just drives me crazy. 这些让我非常不安
What can visual thinkers do when they grow up? 这些视觉思考者长大后可以做什么呢
They can do graphic4 design, all kinds of stuff with computers, photography, industrial design. 他们可以做图像设计,可以做很多与计算机相关的职业,比如摄影、工业设计
The pattern thinkers, they're the ones that are going to be your mathematicians5, your software engineers, 而那些模式思考者则有可能成为数学家、软件工程师
your computer programmers, all of those kinds of jobs. 程序员以及相关的此类工作
And then you've got the word minds. 还有就是那些言语思考者,
They make great journalists, and they also make really, really good stage actors. 他们可以成为记者,还可以成为杰出的演员
Because the thing about being autistic is, I had to learn social skills like being in a play. 作为自闭症患者,我需要学习如何在玩耍中跟别人相处
It's just kind of -- you just have to learn it. 这就是我要学习的东西
And we need to be working with these students. 我们必须让带动这些学生
You know, my science teacher was not an accredited7 teacher. 我的科学老师不是一个合资格的教师
He was a NASA space scientist. 他是一个太空署的科学家
Now, some states now are getting it to where if you have a degree in biology, or a degree in chemistry, 现在美国有些周这样规定,假如你有生物学或化学某个程度的学位
you can come into the school and teach biology or chemistry. 你就可以去到中小学教生物或化学
We need to be doing that. 我们需要将科学家们这么做
Because what I'm observing is the good teachers, for a lot of these kids, are out in the community colleges, 我观察到那些好的老师很多都去了社区大学
but we need to be getting some of these good teachers into the high schools. 而我们需要鼓励一部分这样的老师去到中学

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n.漩涡,涡流 | |
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adj.统计的,统计学的 | |
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n.喧嚣,狂暴,骚乱,湍流 | |
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adj.生动的,形象的,绘画的,文字的,图表的 | |
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数学家( mathematician的名词复数 ) | |
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n.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的名词复数 )v.(无经验之人的)有经验可信赖的顾问( mentor的第三人称单数 ) | |
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adj.可接受的;可信任的;公认的;质量合格的v.相信( accredit的过去式和过去分词 );委托;委任;把…归结于 | |
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