Let me make a comparison directly between the United States of America and Vietnam. 现在我们对比一下美国和越南。
1964. America had small families and long life; Vietnam had large families and short lives. 1964年的美国家庭小寿命长,越南的家庭大而寿命短。
And this is what happens: the data during the war indicate that even with all the death, there was an improvement of life expectancy1. 这是后来的变化,越战时期的数据显示,尽管战争造成伤亡,越南人的平均寿命仍有提高。
By the end of the year, the family planning started in Vietnam; they went for smaller families. 70年代末期,越南的计划生育减小了家庭规模。
And the United States up there is getting for longer life, keeping family size. 美国人的平均寿命也在延长,而家庭规模不变。
And in the '80s now, they give up Communist planning and they go for market economy, and it moves faster even than social life. 到了90年代,越南由计划经济转为市场经济,其经济发展的速度超过了社会的发展。
And today, we have in Vietnam the same life expectancy and the same family size here in Vietnam, 2003, as in United States, 1974, by the end of the war. 今天,越南人(2003)的平均寿命和家庭规模已经和越战结束时的美国(1974)一样。
I think we all, if we don't look in the data, we underestimate the tremendous change in Asia, 如果没有看到这些数据的话,我们会低估了亚洲的巨大变化,
which was in social change before we saw the economical change. 这些超前于经济发展的社会变革。
So let's move over to another way here in which we could display the distribution in the world of the income. 下面我们换个视角,X轴显示了全世界的收入分布。
This is the world distribution of income of people. One dollar, 10 dollars or 100 dollars per day. 这是全世界人民的收入分布。每天收入1美元,10美元和100美元。
There's no gap between rich and poor any longer. This is a myth. 富与穷之间的鸿沟几乎消失了,简直是个奇迹。
There's a little hump here. But there are people all the way. 这里还有一个很小的峰,但总体上是均数分布的。
And if we look where the income ends up, this is 100 percent the world's annual income. 我们看看收入的分配情况,这代表全世界人民每年的全部收入。
And the richest 20 percent, they take out of that about 74 percent. 最富有的20%那部分人,得到了全部收入的74%。
And the poorest 20 percent, they take about two percent. 最贫穷的20%那部分人,只得到2%。
And this shows that the concept of developing countries is extremely doubtful. 可见发展中国家的理念极其的不确切。
We think about aid, like these people here giving aid to these people here. 我们总以为最富的人应该给最穷的人提供援助。
But in the middle, we have most of the world population, and they have now 24 percent of the income. 其实中间这部分才是世界人口的主体,而他们仅得到全部收入的24%。

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n.期望,预期,(根据概率统计求得)预期数额 | |
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