We heard it in other forms. And who are these? Where are the different countries? 这是个老问题了。中间这些人是谁?他们在哪些国家?
I can show you Africa. This is Africa. 10% the world population, most in poverty. 先看非洲。非洲占世界人口的十分之一,多数是穷人。
This is OECD. The rich country. The country club of the U.N. 这个代表富裕的经合组织成员国,联合国俱乐部的会员。
And this is Latin America. It has everything on this Earth, from the poorest to the richest in Latin America. 这是拉丁美洲。他们可以代表全世界,从最贫穷到最富有的人,都在那里。
And on top of that, we can put East Europe, we can put East Asia, and we put South Asia. 再往上是东欧,东亚还有南亚。
And how did it look like if we go back in time, to about 1970? Then there was more of a hump. 过去是什么样子的呢?如果我们回到1970年,这里有一个明显的峰。
And we have most who lived in absolute poverty were Asians. 这些绝对贫困的人群中大多数是亚洲人。
The problem in the world was the poverty in Asia. 那时世界的问题就在于亚洲的贫穷。
And if I now let the world move forward, you will see that while population increases, 如果现在我让世界向前进,后来随着人口的增长,
there are hundreds of millions in Asia getting out of poverty and some others getting into poverty, 数以亿计的亚洲人摆脱了贫困,另外一些人却陷入贫穷,
and this is the pattern we have today. 这就是今天的世界。
And the best projection2 from the World Bank is that this will happen, and we will not have a divided world. 而这是世界银行对未来最乐观的预测,世界再也不是贫富悬殊的。
We'll have most people in the middle. 大多数人拥有中等的收入。
Of course it's a logarithmic scale here, but our concept of economy is growth with percent. 当然这是指数幂分布的图,因为经济的增长是用百分比来衡量的。
We look upon it as a possibility of percentile increase. 我们用百分比的变化来评估经济增长。
If I change this, and take GDP per capita instead of family income, 下面把X轴改为人均国内生产总值,
and I turn these individual data into regional data of gross domestic product, 个人的数据转为各大洲的数据,
and I take the regions down here, the size of the bubble is still the population. 我把地区向下放,球的大小代表人口的多少。
And you have the OECD there, and you have sub-Saharan Africa there, 这个是经合组织国家,这是撒哈拉以南非洲,
and we take off the Arab states there, coming both from Africa and from Asia, and we put them separately, 我们把阿拉伯国家从非洲和亚洲单独分出来,
and we can expand this axis3, and I can give it a new dimension here, by adding the social values there, child survival. 然后把X轴延伸一下,再加上一个新的维度,一个有社会价值的参数,儿童生存率。
Now I have money on that axis, and I have the possibility of children to survive there. X轴代表经济,Y轴显示儿童存活的比率。
In some countries, 99.7% of children survive to five years of age; others, only 70. 一些国家中,99.7%的小孩可以活到5岁以上,另一些国家只有70%。
And here, it seems, there is a gap between OECD, Latin America, East Europe, East Asia, Arab states, South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. 很明显可以看到,经合组织成员国和拉丁美洲,东欧,东亚,阿拉伯国家,南亚以及撒哈拉以南非洲地区的差距。
The linearity is very strong between child survival and money. 儿童生存率和经济之间联系非常紧密。

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v.重叠,与…交叠;n.重叠 | |
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n.发射,计划,突出部分 | |
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n.轴,轴线,中心线;坐标轴,基准线 | |
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