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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 541 – Reporting the News

    I have always wanted to be a news reporter . When I was about 10 years old, I would write my own news stories and publish them in my own newspaper. In reality, the newspaper was just a piece of paper on which Id written my stories and drew my picture...

  • ESL Podcast 540 – Promoting a New Product

    Zoila: I havent seen you around lately. What have you been up to? Leo: My business partners and I have been putting the final touches on our new line of energy drinks. Zoila: Really? I didnt even know that you were in the beverage business. Leo: Yeah...

  • ESL Podcast 539 – Spending Time with Family

    Claus: Go home. You need to spend more time with your loved ones before they report you missing . Marcia: This is the busy season . Do you think I have time to stop to smell the roses when I have work coming out of my ears ? Claus: Its true were busy...

  • ESL Podcast 538 – Finding the Perfect Gift

    Fae: Help! I still need to buy a gift for my mother and I cant seem to think of the perfect present , something thatll really knock her socks off . Pablo: Why dont you just get her a gift certificate or a gift card ? That way, she can pick out her ow...

  • ESL Podcast 537 – Types of Bank Accounts

    Luiz: Where are you going? Iona: Im going to the bank to open an account. Luiz: What kind of account: a savings account , a checking account , or a CD ? Iona: Um, Im not sure, but Im sure someone at the bank can help me decide. Luiz: Youll also need...

  • ESL Podcast 536 – Using a Computer Keyboard

    Leslie: This keyboard is so hard to use. I cant find where anything is! Dave: Its a standard QWERTY keyboard. The layout may be a little different, with the function keys on the right-hand side instead of on the top, but youll get used to it in no ti...

  • ESL Podcast 535 – Describing Speed and Pace

    Chiu: Come on, slowpoke , hurry up ! Well never get to the top of the hill if you dont get a move on . Sarah: Theres no way youre going to get me to move at breakneck speed. Ive gone up at least 500 steps already, and my legs are about to fall off. T...

  • ESL Podcast 534 – Types of Guns and Weapons

    Bobbie: Ive always pegged you as the non-violent type. Whats with your fascination with guns and that sort of thing? Emmanuel: I come from a long line of military officers and I grew up with all of it. Believe it or not, I learned how to fire pistols...

  • ESL Podcast 533 – Making Funeral and Burial Arrangements

    Reiko: When I die, I want a big funeral . The more mourners the better! Lucas: Not me. Im just the opposite. I dont want any kind of funeral or wake . I just want to be cremated and have my ashes scattered . Reiko: What? You dont want to be buried in...

  • ESL Podcast 532 – Using an Online Email Program

    Luigi: What do you think of this new email program ? Selma: I dont know yet. I just started using it. The interface is pretty intuitive , but I havent figured out how to sort my inbox by date. Luigi: Thats easy. Let me show you. All you have to do is...

  • ESL Podcast 531 – Describing Fabric Patterns

    Ruth: Now that weve picked out a new couch, we need to pick out an upholstery fabric . What do you think of this checkered one? Gerry: Thats an eyesore . I prefer something a little more subtle . Ruth: Subtle? Whats fun about subtle? I want something...

  • ESL Podcast 530 – Exterior Parts of a Car

    Ethan: You missed a spot. Marie: Hold on. When we made our bet for the loser to wash the winners car, it didnt include the other person being there and being a pain in the neck . Ethan: Im just here to make sure everything gets washed properly, from...

  • ESL Podcast 529 – Insulting Other People

    Lourdes: Do you see those teenagers over there? Theyre making trouble again. Nick: Those kids are just messing around . When they get bored, theyll pipe down and go home. Lourdes: Theyre really getting on my nerves , playing loud music and making all...

  • ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary

    Renaldo: Hello, may I speak to Simone Otto? Simone: This is Simone. May I ask whos calling? Renaldo: This is Renaldo Garcia at Cinetect. You interviewed for a position with me last week. Simone: Oh, yes, of course. How are you? Renaldo: Im doing well...

  • ESL Podcast 527 – Describing Men’s Bodies

    Justin: What are you ogling at? Katrina: Im watching those guys working across the street. Justin: Those construction workers ? Katrina: Yeah, those prime examples of manhood . Theres not a flabby gut in the bunch . Justin: Im pretty sure they wouldn...
