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   地道美语听力播客English as a Second Language Podcast (ESLPod),是一家位于美国加州洛杉矶的英语教育研究机构推出的英文听力会话,于2005年7月23日首播, 主播Dr. Jeff McQuillan为南加州大学的语言学博士, 现专注于外国语学生的英语学习研究。该播客在iTunes store播客的教育子分类中,与Grammar Girl Just Vocabulary常居前三甲。




  • ESL Podcast 271 – Using an ATM

    I went to bank this morning. Instead of standing in line to talk to a bank teller, I decided to use an ATM, but it wasnt working. Robin: Excuse me. Could you help me? Im trying to use this ATM machine, but it stopped working after I put in my PIN and...

  • ESL Podcast 270 – Airport Announcements

    I was walking through the airport to Gate 11 to catch my flight when I heard this announcement: Attention passengers on English Air flight 232 to Boise. The departure gate has been changed. The flight will now be leaving from Gate 26. That was my fli...

  • ESL Podcast 269 – Health Insurance Plans

    At my company, I have a choice of health insurance plans. We can pick between HMOs and PPOs, and I have been with the same managed health plan for the past few years. Its the plan that has the lowest co- pays and the best coverage, and the network of...

  • ESL Podcast 268 – Get-Rich-Quick Schemes

    Bill: What are you watching? Susan: Im watching a really interesting TV program. Its about how to make a lot of money quickly and easily. Bill: Are you watching an infomercial? Those things are scams! You should know better than to fall for some get-...

  • ESL Podcast 267 – Getting a Traffic Ticket

    I was driving down the street when I saw a police car behind me. Suddenly, it turned on its siren. I realized that I was being pulled over. Officer: Can I see your drivers license, registration, and proof of insurance? Ray: Sure. Here you are, office...

  • ESL Podcast 266 – Making a Move on Someone

    A.J.: What was going on with you and Tiago in his office earlier today? You two were pretty cozy in there. Gloria: What? Oh, I was a little upset about messing up my presentation in the morning meeting, and Tiago was trying to reassure me about it. A...

  • ESL Podcast 265 – Listening to the Radio

    Kurt: Turn that radio down! Gloria: No way! Im listening to a simulcast of a performance and its live. Kurt: Is it on campus radio? Gloria: No, its on the public radio station. I finally got good reception after putting this long antenna outside my w...

  • ESL Podcast 264 – Preparing for a Video Conference

    Emiliano: Im not sure about this video conference today. Its the next best thing to having a meeting face-to- face, but Ive never used most of this equipment before. Fatima: Its a piece of cake. Do you want to do a run-through with me? Emiliano: Do y...

  • ESL Podcast 263 – Getting Older

    Angelica: Oh sorry, what was I saying? I lost my train of thought. Yann: You were telling me about the book youre reading. Angelica: Oh, yeah. I must have had one of those senior moments. Yann: Welcome to the club. Thats what happens when youre over-...

  • ESL Podcast 262 – Missing the Tour Group Bus

    Kelly: Where is everybody? Man: Excuse me? Were you talking to me? Kelly: Oh, no. I was just talking to myself. Our tour group was supposed to rendezvous here at five oclock for our return trip to the hotel. But theres no trace of the bus and I dont...

  • ESL Podcast 261 – Describing People’s Personalities

    Joann: Oh, are those pictures of your kids? Artem: Yes. These are my three daughters and these are my two sons. Joann: Your sons look so alike. Are they similar in personality, too? Artem: Its funny you ask that. My wife and I are always saying how d...

  • ESL Podcast 260 – Business Trends

    Today, Im going to be giving you a brief overview of the trends that are likely to affect our industry in the next 10 years. Its difficult to predict the fads that affect how the general public thinks and behaves. However, by looking at recent polls,...

  • ESL Podcast 259 – Making a Restaurant Reservation

    Hostess: Thank you for calling Sakia Restaurant. How may I help you? Randy: Id like to make a reservation. Hostess: For which day and for what time? Randy: Its for Friday, the 24th, at 7 oclock. Hostess: How many will be in the party? Randy: There wi...

  • ESL Podcast 258 – Moving in Together

    My girlfriend and I have been going out for a year and I thought it was time to have a heart-to-heart with her. Simon: I have something I want to talk to you about. Can you come over here and sit down for a minute? Paula: Uh oh. Is something wrong? S...

  • ESL Podcast 257 – Finding a Book at a Bookstore

    Clerk: Can I help you find something? Adrian: Yes. Can you tell me where the non- fiction books are? Clerk: Are you looking for hardbacks or paperbacks? Adrian: Im not sure. I think hardbacks. Clerk: Well, the non-fiction new releases are at the fron...
