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  • 爱自己-为自己的成功感到骄傲

    Be proud of your accomplishments. 为自己的成功感到骄傲。 No matter how big or seemingly small your accomplishments are you should be very proud of each and every one of them. 为自己的每一次成功感到骄傲,不论大小。 Whethe...

  • 爱自己-聚焦自己的强项

    爱自己-聚焦自己的强项 Focus on your strengths. 聚焦自己的强项。 We all have strengths and luckily they are not all the same. 我们都有强项,很幸运,大家的强项各有不同。 Do things you are naturally good at and enj...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-给予支持

    Supportive 给予支持 Men look for supportive women, particularly when they are interested in a long-term relationship. 男人需要能支持他们的女人长期交往时尤为如此。 For a guy in his 20s, who is still struggling with his career...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-富有爱心

    Caring 富有爱心 Men most definitely like women who care for them and make little efforts to show them their concern. 男人当然喜欢关心他们、努力为他们着想的女人了。 Small gestures like cooking for him, ironing a shirt, askin...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-大方随和

    Easy Going 大方随和 Guys look for girls who are easy going, an uptight person is not really liked by men. 男人喜欢大方随和的女人,小家子气的女人可不受欢迎。 The girl next door is most preferred when they intend to have a...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-成熟稳重&谈吐得体

    Mature and Well-Spoken成熟稳重amp;谈吐得体 Baby talk may be cute once in a while, but mostly men like women who are mature and talk sense. 虽然偶尔孩子气地讲话比较可爱,但多数男人更希望女人成熟讲理。 She should b...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-诚实忠贞

    Honest and Loyal诚实忠贞 Of course men want a woman who does not lie and will be loyal to him. 毋庸置疑,男人都希望女人对自己诚实忠贞。 He needs to have the assurance that she will not be flirting with his friend, the minute h...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-善解人意

    Understanding善解人意 Guys want an understanding girl, someone who isn't constantly cribbing. 男人喜欢善解人意的女人,而不要总是疑神疑鬼。 She should accept her guy the way he is and be willing to make minor adjustments. 他们...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-独立

    Independent独立 Independence is an attractive trait to most men, they like women who have their own life. 大部分男人很欣赏独立女性,他们喜欢有自己生活的女人。 While, it can be nice to receive attention from a girl, someone...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-穿着整洁

    Well-groomed穿着整洁 Well, there's no denying that appearance is important, it is what initially attracts a guy to a girl. 毋庸置疑,女人的容貌非常重要,往往也是吸引男人的首要因素。 Guys like girls who are feminine, t...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-幽默

    Good Sense of Humor幽默 No one wants to be with someone who has a dull personality and is always serious. 没人喜欢跟性格沉闷刻板的人交往。 Guys want a girl who can laugh at their jokes,herself at times say something funny and enjoy...

  • 男人喜欢这般女生-自信

    Men like their women to be confident, someone who enters a room walking tall and makes eye contact is found to be attractive. 男人希望自己的女人充满自信,能非常风姿地进入房间,单凭眼神接触就足以秒杀无数。 Women...

  • 找自己-爱生活

    What do you love about your life? 你爱生活的哪些地方? Life is a series of highs and lows. There will be times when bad things happen. When these times strike, it's important to keep things in perspective. 生活充满了高潮和低谷。总...

  • 找自己-庆祝自己的进步

    How have you celebrated your progress lately? 最近你是如何庆祝自己的进步的? Focus on the progress you've made, on the next positive step, on the silver lining between where you once were, where you are now, and where you're headed. Do...

  • 找自己-卸下你的负担

    How are you burdening yourself? 自己该如何负担? If you feel like your back is breaking from the weight your mind is carrying, perhaps it's time to lighten the load you carry.There are many burdens you can easily let go of if you're willing. 如...
