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  • 职场交际禁区-采取撒网策略

    Take the shotgun approach。 采取撒网策略 Some people network with anyone, tossing outbusiness cards like confetti.Networking isn't a numbers game. Find someone you can help, determine whetherthey might (someday) be able to help you, and then a...

  • 职场交际禁区-认为别人都应该在乎你的需求

    Assume others should care about your needs. 认为别人都应该在乎你的需求。 Maybe you're desperate. Maybe partnering with a major player in your industry could instantly transform red ink into black. No one cares. No one should care. Those...

  • 职场交际禁区-没付出就想有回报

    Try to take before you give. The goalof networking is to connect with people who can help you make a sale, get areferral, establish a contact, etc. When we network, we want something. But at first, never ask for what you want. In fact you may never a...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-享受“自己”的时间

    Have Me Time 享受自己的时间 No morning is completely satisfying unless you've scheduled in some Me time. Whether you enjoy meditating to clear you mind and give you laser sharp focus, or reading to gain some new knowledge about the world, make...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-锻炼身体

    Work That Body 锻炼身体 In number 1 above I mentioned that our bodies adapt around a 24-hour circadian rhythm. This works for sleep, eating, exercise, and many other bodily functions. We're a pretty efficient physiological machine when you think...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-补充水分

    The Water Hack 补充水分 A bit of water before bed and half a liter as soon as you get up. The water before bed will serve in the rejuvenation process we mentioned above. While you sleep all your cells will fill up with this fresh water and create...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-精心计划每一天

    Plan Your Day 精心计划每一天 We can say we're going to live with purpose, butunless we plan, we can tell ourselves that we'll start living with purpose next week, or the week after that. Planning is one of the fundamental ways to maximize your...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-设立目标

    Living With Purpose 设立目标 Young children will do anything to avoid going to sleep at night. These same children are also the ones that can't wait to get out of bed first thing in the world. The simple reason for this non-lazy be havior is that...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-早上吃好,晚上吃少

    The King and The Pauper Way Of Eating 早上吃好,晚上吃少 The way our bodies function optimally is if we eat like a king in the morning and a pauper in the evening. This means that it's best to eat heavier, bigger portions in the morning beca...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-预约起床时间

    Appointment With Waking 预约起床时间 The harsh truth about the human body is that we're creatures of habit. In some ways this can be extremely inconvenient when trying to take on new things. However, if we allow ourselves to live within the rul...

  • 摆脱起床困难户-序言

    Way before the sun peeks over the horizon, a few chosen people awaken from their slumber and dive head first into their day.These chosen few accomplish a ton before the rest of us would ever consider rising from our nice warm beds. 每天早晨,太阳...

  • 别自毁幸福-过度夸大外表的重要性

    Over-amplifying the importance of physical attractiveness. 过度夸大外表的重要性 Infatuating yourself with someone simply for what they look like on the outside is like choosing your favorite food based on color instead of taste. 靠外表来选...

  • 别自毁幸福-放开伤害过你的人

    Holding on to someone who hurts you. 放不开伤害过你的人 Sometimes you have to walk away from people, not because you don't care, but because they don't. 有时候你要离开一些人,不是因为你不在意他们,而是他们不在意你...

  • 别自毁幸福-别期待一鸣惊人

    Trying to make a big difference all at once. 期待一鸣惊人 If you want to make a difference in the world, startwith the world around you. Making a big difference all at once is usually impossible, and the process of trying is extremely stressful...

  • 别自毁幸福-勿寻求短暂的满足感

    Constantly seeking fleeting contentment. 寻求短暂的满足感 There are two variations of contentment in life fleeting and enduring. The fleeting type is derived from instants of materialcomfort, while the enduring type is attained through the gr...
