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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(7)

时间:2023-02-13 09:49来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  "Mrs. Lyons," said I as I rose from this long and inconclusive interview, "you are taking avery great responsibility and putting yourself in a very false position by not making an absolutelyclean breast of all that you know. If I have to call in the aid of the police you will find howseriously you are compromised. If your position is innocent, why did you in the first instance denyhaving written to Sir Charles upon that date?"“莱昂丝太太,” 最后我结束了这次既长而又毫无结果的拜访, 站起来说道,“由于您不肯全部彻底地说出您所知道的事, 使您负起了严重的责任, 并已把您自己置于非常危险的地位。 如果我不得不叫来警察协助的话, 您就会知道您受着多么大的嫌疑了。 如果您是清白无罪的话, 那为什么最初要否认在那一天您曾写信给查尔兹爵士呢? ”

  "Because I feared that some false conclusion might be drawn from it and that I might findmyself involved in a scandal."

  “因为我恐怕从那问题上得出什么不正确的结论来, 那样我就可能被牵连到一件丑闻中去了。”

  "And why were you so pressing that Sir Charles should destroy your letter?"“那么您为什么那样迫切地要求查尔兹爵士把您的信毁掉呢? ”

  "If you have read the letter you will know."“如果您已经读过那封信的话, 您就应该知道了 。”

  "I did not say that I had read all the letter."“我并没有说我读过信的全部啊。”

  "You quoted some of it."


  "I quoted the postscript. The letter had, as I said, been burned and it was not all legible. I askyou once again why it was that you were so pressing that Sir Charles should destroy this letterwhich he received on the day of his death."“我只引用了附笔, 我说过, 那封信已被烧掉了, 而且并非全信都能辨认。 我还要问您,为什么您那样迫切地要求查尔兹爵士把他临死那天所收到的这封信毁掉呢? ”

  "The matter is a very private one."


  "The more reason why you should avoid a public investigation."“更重要的原因恐怕是您要避免公开的追究调查吧。”

  "I will tell you, then. If you have heard anything of my unhappy history you will know that Imade a rash marriage and had reason to regret it."“那么我就告诉您吧, 如果您曾听过任何关于我的悲惨的经历的话, 您就会知道我曾经草率地结过婚, 事后当然又因此而懊悔。”

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