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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 岩岗上的人(19)

时间:2023-02-13 09:54来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


  Outside the sun was sinking low and the west was blazing with scarlet and gold. Its reflectionwas shot back in ruddy patches by the distant pools which lay amid the great Grimpen Mire. Therewere the two towers of Baskerville Hall, and there a distant blur of smoke which marked thevillage of Grimpen. Between the two, behind the hill, was the house of the Stapletons. All wassweet and mellow and peaceful in the golden evening light, and yet as I looked at them my soulshared none of the peace of Nature but quivered at the vagueness and the terror of that interviewwhich every instant was bringing nearer. With tingling nerves but a fixed purpose, I sat in the darkrecess of the hut and waited with sombre patience for the coming of its tenant.

  外面, 太阳已经落得很低了, 西面放射着火红和金色的余辉, 天光照着散布在远处格林盆大泥潭中的水洼, 反射出片片的红光。 在那边可以看到巴斯克维尔庄园的两座塔楼, 远处有一带朦胧的烟气, 说明那里就是格林盆村, 在这两处的中间, 那小山背后就是斯台普吞家的房子。 在傍晚金黄色的余光照耀下, 一切都显得那样美好、 醉人而又恬静。 可是在我看到这景色的时候, 内心里不仅丝毫不能感受大自然的宁静, 反而还因愈益迫近的会面所引起的茫然和恐惧的心理而发抖。 我的神经在悸动, 但是决心坚定, 我在小屋里坐在黑暗的深处,耐心地等待屋主人的来临。

  And then at last I heard him. Far away came the sharp clink of a boot striking upon a stone.

  Then another and yet another, coming nearer and nearer. I shrank back into the darkest corner andcocked the pistol in my pocket, determined not to discover myself until I had an opportunity ofseeing something of the stranger. There was a long pause which showed that he had stopped. Thenonce more the footsteps approached and a shadow fell across the opening of the hut.

  后来, 我终于听到他走来了, 远处传来了皮鞋走在石头上所发出来的得得声, 一步又一步地愈走愈近了。 我退回到最黑的屋角去, 手在口袋里把左轮的枪机扳好, 我决定在能看清这人以前不使自己露面。 那声音停住了 很久, 说明他站住了; 后来脚步声又向前走来, 一条黑影由石屋的开口处投射进来。

  "It is a lovely evening, my dear Watson," said a well-known voice. "I really think that youwill be more comfortable outside than in."“真是个可爱的黄昏, 亲爱的华生, ” 一个很熟悉的声音说,“我真觉得你到外边来要比呆在里面舒服得多呢。”

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