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巴斯克维尔的猎犬 沼地的惨剧(4)

时间:2023-02-14 10:41来源:互联网 提供网友:nan   字体: [ ]


"Well done! Our researches have evidently been running on parallel lines, and when we uniteour results I expect we shall have a fairly full knowledge of the case."“干得好! 显然咱俩的钻研方向是一致的, 但愿咱俩的钻研结果凑到一起的时候, 咱们对这件案子就能有比较充分的了解了。”

"Well, I am glad from my heart that you are here, for indeed the responsibility and themystery were both becoming too much for my nerves. But how in the name of wonder did youcome here, and what have you been doing? I thought that you were in Baker Street working outthat case of blackmailing."

“嘿, 你能在这里, 我从心眼里感到高兴, 这样的重责和案情的神秘, 我的神经实在受不住了。可是你究竟是怎么到这里来的呢? 你都干什么来着? 我以为你是在贝克街搞那件匿名恐吓信的案子呢。”

"That was what I wished you to think."


"Then you use me, and yet do not trust me!" I cried with some bitterness. "I think that I havedeserved better at your hands, Holmes."

“原来你是使用我, 可是并不信任我呀!” 我又气又恼地喊道,“我觉得我在你眼里还不应该不至于此吧, 福尔摩斯。”

"My dear fellow, you have been invaluable to me in this as in many other cases, and I begthat you will forgive me if I have seemed to play a trick upon you. In truth, it was partly for yourown sake that I did it, and it was my appreciation of the danger which you ran which led me tocome down and examine the matter for myself. Had I been with Sir Henry and you it is confidentthat my point of view would have been the same as yours, and my presence would have warnedour very formidable opponents to be on their guard. As it is, I have been able to get about as Icould not possibly have done had I been living in the Hall, and I remain an unknown factor in thebusiness, ready to throw in all my weight at a critical moment."“我亲爱的伙伴, 在这件案子里就和在很多别的案子里一样, 你对我的帮助是无可估量的, 如果看来好象我对你耍了什么花招的话, 那就请你原谅吧。 实际上呢, 我所以要这样做,一部分也是为了你的原故, 正因为我体会到了你所冒的危险, 我才亲自到这里来探察这件事的。 如果我和你们——亨利爵士和你——都在一起的话, 我相信你的看法一定和我的看法一样, 只要我一出面, 就等于向我们的对手发出警告, 叫他们多加小心了 。 事实上, 我一直是能自由行动的, 而如果我是住在庄园里的话, 那就根本没有可能了。 我使自己在这件事里做一个不为人知的角色, 随时准备在紧要关头全力以赴。”

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