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【英语趣味课堂】多伦多-Something About Toronto

时间:2016-05-13 02:20来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Todd: OK, hello!

Shawn: Hello!
Todd: What's your name please?
Shawn: My name is Shawn O'reily
Todd: Shawn O'Reily.
Shawn: Yes, sir!
Todd: OK, that's an Irish name?
Shawn: Yes, sir!
Todd: OK, and where are you from?
Shawn: Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Todd: OK, why don't you talk a little bit about Toronto.
Shawn: It's a very diverse, multi-cultural city. I feel it's a great place to raise your family. There's a lot of great family areas. I'd say some of the shopping malls are very good for pretty much anybody. And for the social types they have many bars in Toronto, unfortunately Toronto has a bit of a homeless problem, how-should-I-say, it's tiresome1 over the years, like every time you go downtown, you're bound to bump into a homeless person, like, wha-cha-call-it, for a city of 4 million compared to New York City that does not have a homeless problem it's pretty embarrassing. Um, how-should-I-say,at times it can be unsafe if you're around them because you're constantly being pestered3 by them, but, I'd say it's a good city, how-should-I-say, many different things to do, you're just not confined to one area of the city to have fun, you can go pretty much anywhere in the south end of the city and have fun.
Todd: OK, wow, sounds like a really good place.
Shawn: And of course, a lot of good looking girls in Toronto. Many different kinds so it's definitely one of those places where you'll have, how-should-I-say, you'll have neck problems cause you'll constantly turning your head for all the good looking girls

Learn Vocabulary from the lesson
raise (a family)
I feel Toronto is a great place to raise your family.
When you 'raise a family' you have kids and support them as they grow from children to adults.  To 'raise' in general means to take care of something and help it grow. Notice the following:
She raised her son alone.
He moved to the suburbs to raise his family.
bound to
Every time you go downtown, you're bound to bump into a homeless person.
If you are 'bound to' do something it is very possible that it will happen. Notice the following:
He is bound to call you when he gets back from his trip.
You are bound to make a mistake once in a while.
Compared to New York City, it's pretty embarrassing to have this problem.
If something is 'embarrassing' it makes you feel embarrassed.  We feel embarrassed when we make a mistake or when people laugh at us.  Usually when we are embarrassed our face turns red and feels hot. Notice the following:
It is really embarrassing to run out of gas on the highway.
High school was full of embarrassing moments for me.
It can be unsafe to be around these people, because they'd pester you.
When someone talks to you or bothers you when they know you are not interested they are pestering4 you. Notice the following:
Salespeople5 can't pester us as easily now that we have caller ID.
The kids keep pestering me to buy gum from them.
turn (your) head
You'd constantly be turning your head for all the good-looking girls.
When you 'turn your head' you rotate it from one side to the other to see in different directions. Notice the following:
My neck hurts from turning my head to see out the bus window.
The dog turned his head to watch the bird.


1 tiresome Kgty9     
  • His doubts and hesitations were tiresome.他的疑惑和犹豫令人厌烦。
  • He was tiresome in contending for the value of his own labors.他老为他自己劳动的价值而争强斗胜,令人生厌。
2 pester uAByD     
  • He told her not to pester him with trifles.他对她说不要为小事而烦扰他。
  • Don't pester me.I've got something urgent to attend to.你别跟我蘑菇了,我还有急事呢。
3 pestered 18771cb6d4829ac7c0a2a1528fe31cad     
使烦恼,纠缠( pester的过去式和过去分词 )
  • Journalists pestered neighbours for information. 记者缠着邻居打听消息。
  • The little girl pestered the travellers for money. 那个小女孩缠着游客要钱。
4 pestering cbb7a3da2b778ce39088930a91d2c85b     
使烦恼,纠缠( pester的现在分词 )
  • He's always pestering me to help him with his homework. 他总是泡蘑菇要我帮他做作业。
  • I'm telling you once and for all, if you don't stop pestering me you'll be sorry. 我这是最后一次警告你。如果你不停止纠缠我,你将来会后悔的。
5 salespeople xjuz25     
n.售货员,店员;售货员( salesperson的名词复数 )
  • The shop usually employs additional salespeople for the Christmas toy trade. 这家商店通常雇一些临时售货员来做圣诞节玩具生意。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • Under our new system, salespeople sit down with each of our dealers. 根据新的制度,销售人员应逐个地同承销商洽商。 来自辞典例句
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