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【英语趣味课堂】大学娱乐-College Pasttimes

时间:2016-05-13 02:18来源:互联网 提供网友:yajing   字体: [ ]

 Todd: So, Alex, you're still at university.

Alex: Yes, sir
Todd: So, what's a typical1 day at university like?
Alex: A typical day at my school, let's see, well I would usually get up, well last semester2, I would get up around 8 or so. My first class would be at 9:10. It'd be an hour so around 10:10 I'd get out of class, you know, have lunch, and I was actually a part of the college radio station
Todd: Oh, really.
Alex: So yeah, I'd hang out there, play some music, you know, joke around, play some pool, go to class. It wasn't too bad.
Todd: Yeah, where do you play pool?
Alex: Oh, well, anyplace that I can really. There's a pool table right next to my radio station at school so I usually play a lot there - a place called Mr. Pockets, too, where I live. They're pretty inexpensive3 so, I play there too, but I'm not very good. Like the pool table at my college was, it was a bar4 pool table so you have to pay money for it, 50 cents a game, and I must have put at least a hundred dollars in there and I'm not any better than when I started out, so I don't know.
Todd: That's OK you have other talents.
Alex: I guess.
Todd: What's the allure5 of pool? Why do college kids like to play pool?
Alex: Oh, I have, it's really a mystery6, it's very ambiguous7. I don't know. It's just the pool tables there and something with hitting balls with a stick into little holes, maybe, but it's a lot of fun. I don't know why I like it as much as I do but even though I'm not so good I like to play some pool.
Learn Vocabulary8 from the lesson
typical day
What's a typical day at university like?
A 'typical day' is a normal or usual day when nothing special happens. Notice the following:
On a typical day I go to bed at midnight9.
It was just another typical day at school today.
hang out
I was part of the college radio station, and I'd usually hang out there.
When you 'hang out' in a place you spend your time there even in you have nothing that you are working on. Notice the following:
Where do you hang out after work?
I hang out at a coffee shop most of the time now.
joke around
We play music, joke around, play some pool, and go to class.
When you 'joke around' with people you make jokes or light conversation with each other. Notice the following:
My brother and I joke around a lot.
We have a lot of fun at work and joke around with each other.
What's the allure of pool?
The 'allure' of something is what makes it interesting to us. Notice the following:
I have never understood the allure of shoes.
What is the allure fast cars?
play pool
Why do college kids like to play pool?
'Pool' is another word for billiard.  It is a game played with many hard, heavy balls on a big fuzzy table.  You try to hit the balls off one another into pockets or holes on the side of the table. Notice the following:
My Friday nights would usually start with playing pool.
I know how to play pool, but I'm not very good at it.


1 typical 5ltwo     
  • This is typical Chinese English.这是典型的中式英语。
  • It is a typical Persian garden.这是个典型的波斯式花园。
2 semester XDJzN     
  • A student will probably attend four or five courses during each semester.每个学生一学期可能要修四五门课程。
  • I had an especially rough time during my first semester.我第一个学期的日子难受极了。
3 inexpensive j73x8     
  • Those shoes are very inexpensive.那些鞋子很便宜。
  • This kind of car is inexpensive.这种汽车便宜。
4 bar xPSyL     
  • I went to the bar yesterday.我昨天去酒吧了。
  • They walked into the bar.他们走进了酒吧。
5 allure 4Vqz9     
  • The window displays allure customers to buy goods.橱窗陈列品吸引顾客购买货物。
  • The book has a certain allure for which it is hard to find a reason.这本书有一种难以解释的魅力。
6 mystery YwzyR     
  • He often tells stories full of mystery.他常讲些充满神秘色彩的故事。
  • The mystery was never solved.这个奥秘始终未得到解释。
7 ambiguous wxPzU     
  • This sentence is ambiguous in sense.这个句子意思不清楚。
  • The title of this chapter is ambiguous.这一章的标题含义模糊。
8 vocabulary 8hVw0     
  • How can I widen my vocabulary?怎样扩大自己的词汇量?
  • You can find all the new words in the vocabulary of the text.你能在课文的词汇表中找到所有的生词。
9 midnight QDRxn     
  • The ship pulled in to the shore at midnight.那船半夜时靠岸。
  • He looked at the moon and made the time to be midnight.他看了看月亮,估计时间是半夜了。
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