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  • 【英语趣味课堂】食物和健康-Food and Health

    Adrienne: So, Mike, you don't eat fast food, huh? Mike: No, no. I find fast food not very healthy and I try to eat healthy and try to live a healthy kind of lifestyle. Adrienne: How do you do that? Mike: Well, I'm going to the gym, not smoking, just...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】烘焙面包-Baking Bread

    Todd: Ah, so Alan, you know, you were a baker so can you explain to the listeners: how do you bake bread? Alan: Well, you need, to make your basic white bread, white pan bread we call it, you need flour, yeast, sugar, shortening, salt, and water, so...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】关于食物的想法-Thoughts About Food

    I was browsing through a bookshop today and I picked up a book on food, which is quite usual for me cause I love food, em, but this book was a bit different, em, it tried to make the connection between the kind of food you eat and how it makes you fe...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】旅游的最佳方式-The Best Way to Travel

    Todd: So, Simon, are you still planning to take trip to Southeast Asia? Simon: Yeah, I really like Southeast Asia so I would like to go there again. Todd: Oh, cool. When you go, are you taking a tour, packaged tour or are you just going to go on your...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】电话-Phones

    Simon: Yeah, hey Todd, I have one complaint. Why can't I never reach you on the phone? Todd: Ah, I know, I'm really bad with my phone. I hate the phone. I can not stand the phone. I hate talking on the phone, so I have a hand-held phone and I always...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】优点和缺点-Strong and Weak Points

    Simon: Yeah, I got a job interview coming up and I know they're gonna ask me about what are your strong points and your weak points. You know. Todd: Yeah, that's tough, because like I know my strong points and my weak points. Simon: Yeah, well, let's...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】墨西哥的假期-Mexican Vacation

    Todd: Simon, when you were younger, did you take vacations with your family? Simon: Yes, I did. Todd: OK, where did you go? Simon: Well, I went to many places, but I have one memorable experience. I went to Baja, California. Todd: Baja, California. N...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】晚餐计划-Dinner Plans

    Todd: OK, Simon, let's go get something to eat? Let's go out to dinner. I'm really hungry. Simon: Yeah, OK, me too. I'm really hungry as well. Ah, what is there to eat around here? Todd: Well, around my house there's a few restaurants. Um, there's an...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】酒吧服务-Bar Service

    Todd: So, Simon, you live in Japan and you were just in Germany. How is the service in restaurants different in Japan than it is in Germany? Simon: Yeah, I can talk about that. Well, I might be stereo- typing here and I'll talk about maybe Japan, Ger...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】加拿大与美国-Canada and the U.S.

    Todd: Now, Mike, you're from Canada but you lived in America for a good period of time. Mike: Right! Todd: How would you compare the two counties? Mike: Well, the most obvious difference is Canada is a lot colder, I think than the United States in ge...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】大众巴士-VW Buses

    Todd: Simon, you said your family had a volkswagen van. Simon: That's right. It was awesome. Todd: Wow, that's cool. You know, when I was in high school, I had a Volkswagen van. Simon: Yeah, they're pretty cool aren't they. Todd: Ah, man, I loved my...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】对法国的美好回忆-Fond Memories of France

    Todd: So, Mike, you were born in Europe, but grew up in Canada. Have you been back to Europe? Mike: Yeah, uh, I've been back to Europe on a couple of occasions. The first time, I guess I went back to Europe was in 1989, 1990, when I went to visit my...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】加拿大人和美国人-Canucks and Yanks

    Todd: OK, Mike, I was wondering, you're from Canada, and you have lived in America, and we work together, and in our company everybody is American but you, so how would you say Canadians are different than Americans? Mike: Well, first of all, I'll ju...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】加拿大的主要城市-Canada's Main Cities

    Todd: OK, Mike, you are from Canada. Mike: That's right. Todd: So, actually I want to go to Canada for vacation. I've never been. What would you recommend for a Canadian vacation? Mike: Well, it really just depends on the kind of holiday that you wan...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】住在纽约-Living in New York

    Todd: Now, Mike, you lived in New York City. That's really, really cool. I think New York's a fantastic city. I've never lived there, but I visited New York many times. What was it like living in New York City? Mike: Uh, like you said, there's a lot...
