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  • 【英语趣味课堂】学习日语-Learning Japanese

    Todd: So, Eli, how are your Japanese classes going? Eli: They're going OK. Japanese is a very difficult language and I think as someone who has never learned another language before I'm struggling more than other kids are. I feel that a lot of theoth...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】澳大利亚的主流运动-Aussie Sports

    Todd: OK, Aaron can you talk a little about sports in Australia? Aaron: No worries. In Australia, when I was a child, I used to play cricket and Australian football every weekend. In the winter, I played Australian football, and in the summer it was...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】投票-Voting

    Todd: So, Aaron, how does the government work in Australia? Aaron: The government in Australia is very simple. We have two major parties. The Liberal Party and the Labor Party, and the people decide who the Prime Minister is. You chose a politician t...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】清洁-Cleaning

    Todd: Adrienne, we're going to talk about cleaning! So, first of all, how often do you clean, like your apartment? Adrienne: Thoroughly, I would say I clean once a week. Todd: So, do you consider yourself a clean person? Adrienne: I consider myself a...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】基多-Quito

    Todd: Jose, what is Quito like? Jose: Quito, we say Quito is like the face of God. Todd: No kidding! The face of God? Jose: Yes, yes, yes! Todd: Because? Jose: Because, you know,at least for us, it's such a beautiful downtown, very old, and actually,...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】周天-Sunday

    Todd: OK, Raphael, I'm going to ask you about Sunday. (Yes) OK, what do you like to do on Sunday? Raphael: What do I like to do on Sunday? Well, I think it's changing every Sunday. I like to go see some exhibits, art exhibitions or things like that....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】英国-England

    Todd: So, Eli, can you talk a little about England and maybe about it's climate and it's weather, it's leaders, what people eat? Eli: Well, I'm not going to talk about leaders right now because that's a bit of a sore point but England weather, hmm, t...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】旅游-Travel

    Michael: Simon have you done much traveling? Simon: I'd like to think that I have. Yes. Michael: OK, so where have you been? Simon: Well, I've been to a lot of places. I'd probably say about twenty different countries. I've taught English in Japan, K...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】音乐-Music

    Todd: OK, Adrienne, let's talk about abilities. What are you good at? Adrienne: Um, I don't know. Todd: You don't know? Adrienne: I really don't know! Todd: Well, I was looking at your photos, and you can play the violin. Adrienne: That's true! Todd:...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】厄瓜多尔-Ecuador

    Jose: Ecuador, what do you want to know about my country? Todd: Well, can you talk about Ecuador like, um, you're from Ecuador? Jose: Yes, yes! Todd: How big is Ecuador? Jose: 80% of Japan. Todd: Oh, really! 80% the size. Jose: The size of Japan. Tod...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】日本-Japan

    文本: Todd: Hello, what is your name? Hitoshi: My name is Hitoshi Fukuda Todd: Hitoshi Hitoshi: Mm-hm. Todd: I'm sorry. What's your last name? Hitoshi: Fukuda. Todd: Fukuda. Hitoshi: Mm-hm. Todd: And where are you from? Hitoshi: Well, I'm origina...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】幸运-Lucky

    Todd: OK, Richard! Richard: Hi, Todd. Good to see you. Todd: Good to see you. Richard: Long time no see. Todd: Yeah, it's been awhile. Richard: It's been awhile. Todd: Richard, you helped me out when I first started the website. Richard: My pleasure....

  • 【英语趣味课堂】最佳搭档-Perfect Match

    Todd: So, Eli, do you miss home? Eli: I'm missing home a lot actually, at the moment. I wasn't when I first arrived, because of all the excitement about being here, and everything, but since actually about a month and a half ago, my boyfriend came he...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】全球变暖-Global Warming

    Todd: Christine you're from Papua New Guinea? Christine: Yes, we're a small island in the South Pacific. Todd: And that is near Australia? Christine: Just above Australia. Todd: Like how far is it from Australia? Christine: To Brisbane it's 3 hours b...

  • 【英语趣味课堂】音乐-Music

    Michael: OK, so then. Hi! I'm Michael. I'm from Toronto. Simon: Yeah, Hi! I'm Simon from Vancouver. Michael: Simon! Simon: That's right! Michael: So, are you francophone? Simon: No, I'm not Francophone. That's a common mistake that other Canadians ma...
