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  • 经济学人:哥伦比亚基础设施 (2) They appoint three board members between them, matching the government's quota. 他们从中指定3名董事会成员,与政府配额相匹配。 A final three, also chosen by the government, must be from outside politics. For a 4G project to get F
  • 经济学人:货币的半衰期 (1) In 1946 Gyorgy Faludy, a Hungarian poet, received 300 bn pengo for a new edition of his works. 1946年,匈牙利诗人Gyorgy Faludy收到了作品再版稿费3000亿辨戈。 The sum would have been worth $60bn before the second world war. 二战前这
  • 经济学人:货币的半衰期 (2) To make the numbers easier to grasp, they have provided an alternative way to express them. 为了让大家更好理解这些数据,他们提供了另一种表述方式。 They calculate how long it would take for prices to double, if inflation per
  • 经济学人:欧洲养老金:一脚踏入阿尔加维 (1) WHEN the financial crisis hammered Portugal's economy, hundreds of thousands of its people left, 当金融危机席卷葡萄牙经济时,数十万葡萄牙人离开了, taking advantage of the European Union's rules on free movement to find work
  • 经济学人:欧洲养老金:一脚踏入阿尔加维 (2) Finland shredded its tax agreement with Portugal in June. 6月,芬兰撕毁了与葡萄牙的税收协定。 If Portugal does not accept a draft deal letting Finland tax most pensions drawn by its retirees there by November, it will start doing so
  • 经济学人:印度的非银行金融 (1) CAN a big financial firm's credit rating fall from AAA one monthgood enough for pension funds and life insurersto junk the next without causing a crash? 一个大型金融公司的信用评级在一个月内从AAA对养老基金和寿险公司而言足
  • 经济学人:印度的非银行金融 (2) Few think that a liquidity crisis is the firm's only problem. Even when its credit was good, its projects had a nasty habit of busting their budgets. 少数人认为清偿危机是公司唯一的问题。即便公司信用良好,其项目也会习惯
  • 经济学人:澳大利亚最大金融机构正在受审 (1) BANKS often face conflicts of interest when it comes to advising their customers. 当提及为客户提供咨询建议的时候,银行经常面临利益冲突。 The regulators who are supposed to stop the abuses that can result are not always up t
  • 经济学人:澳大利亚最大金融机构正在受审 (2) They also boosted risky mortgage lending, since brokers' earnings were linked to the size of the loans they sold. 他们还宣传存在风险的抵押贷款,因为经理人的收入和他们销售的贷款额度相挂钩。 Financial regulators wer
  • 经济学人:全球增长放缓 美国成为异类(1) It has been a nervy few days for financial markets. 金融市场经历了紧张不安的几天。 A sell-off in bond markets, prompted by monetary tightening in America, this week infected global stock markets, too. 由美国货币紧缩所引起的债
  • 经济学人:全球增长放缓 美国成为异类(2) The second divide exists within the ranks of advanced economies. Rich countries seem to be gently slowing, with one big exception: America. 第二个差异存在于发达经济体之间。发达国家经济似乎都在放缓,但有一个例外:美国
  • 经济学人:全球增长放缓 美国成为异类(3) Another threat is a rising oil price. In September the price of Brent crude surpassed $80 per barrel for the first time since 2014, 另一个威胁是油价的增长。9月,布伦特原油价格自2014年以来首次超过80美元\桶, driven in
  • 经济学人:中美贸易战下的中国广交会(1) Understanding Donald Trump's intentions has bedevilled China since he took office. 自唐纳德特朗普上任以来,理解他的意图成了中国的困扰。 So it continued this week when the American president made comments that could signal a
  • 经济学人:中美贸易战下的中国广交会(1) Understanding Donald Trump's intentions has bedevilled China since he took office. 自唐纳德特朗普上任以来,理解他的意图成了中国的困扰。 So it continued this week when the American president made comments that could signal a
  • 经济学人:中美贸易战下的中国广交会(2) Coverage in the Chinese media means the expo is bound to offer at the very least an excellent marketing opportunity. 中国媒体的报道意味着此次博览会至少必将提供一次极好的市场营销机会。 And some foreign firms may make w