纪录片《饮食变迁》 第1期:民以食为天
Humanity's most fundamental relationship is with what we eat. 民以食为天 But nowadays, in wealthy countries, 但当今社会 在发达国家 we're eating far too much of the wrong things. 我们摄入了远远过量的不健康食品 There are 9
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第2期:合理摄入食物对健康的重要性
As a nutritionist, I've spent my career 作为营养学家 我一直在研究 researching how what we eat determines what we are. 我们摄入的食物如何影响我们自身 Of course, we now know that eating the right kind of food 当然 我们现在
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第3期:食物缺乏引起的战争
The story of our bulging waistlines 我们腰围的暴涨 actually has its roots in another battle - 实际源于另一场战争 ironically, one driven by a lack of food. 讽刺的是 这场战争是因食物缺乏引起的 Hunger is always with us. 饥
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第4期:工业化促进生产力
The story of our bulging waistlines 我们腰围的暴涨 actually has its roots in another battle - 实际源于另一场战争 ironically, one driven by a lack of food. 讽刺的是 这场战争是因食物缺乏引起的 Hunger is always with us. 饥
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第5期:如何快速分离母鸡公鸡
The traditional farmyard was rapidly being modernised 传统的农家庭院正被快速地现代化 and the animals brought indoors 动物被带到室内养殖 to increase efficiency and enable mass-production. 来提高效率并确保大批量生产
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第6期:商业化猪肉
Now, bit by bit, 现在 一点一点地 the chicken is stripped down to a shell to become a convenience food. 通过褪毛加工直到变成一种便利的食品 With a pause of only 35 minutes for lunch and two breaks for tea, 除了35分钟午餐和两
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第7期:化学添加剂
Any location seemed fair game for food production 单就提高产量而言 任何地点 if it meant an increased yield. 都能用作食品生产 But some experiments were clearly destined to be abandoned. 但一些实验显然注定要被废弃 At Hu
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第8期:食物的创新性
If one has a family sitting down, 如果家中有人坐在桌旁 the housewife serves them a meal, 主妇为他们做饭 she is obviously concerned and 很显然 她很关心和在意 worried if two or three around the table leave. 别人对她的食物
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第9期:农药的泛滥使用
The time, May 1970. 1970年5月 Here on the island of San Miguel, 位于圣米格尔岛的 the breeding ground for California's 加州海狮繁殖区内 sea-lions, some appear to be killing their young. 竟出现了部分海狮杀害幼崽的画面 T
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第10期:甜品有害健康
您现在的位置: 首页 英语听力 英语视频听力 BBC纪录片 BBC地平线系列记录片精讲 正文 BBC地平线系列之《饮食变迁》第10期:甜品有害健康 时间:2013-06-09 20:18:30 来源:可可英语 编辑:finn ? 可可英
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第11期:肥胖人群
Meanwhile, the advertising of a highly 同时竞争激烈的食品工业大量投放广告 competitive food industry encourages us to buy even more. 也促使我们购入更多食物 Butter rich... 富含黄油... With a family to feed... 可满足整个
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第12期:贪吃的后果
I am your lecturer and I am a WeightWatcher. 我是你们的讲师 也是慧俪轻体的一员 Can we have Mrs Wright? 莱特女士 你来讲几句吧 Come along, Mrs Wright. 讲吧 莱特女士 Yes. You have gained a pound and a quarter also this we
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第13期:新的饮食习惯存在隐患
Some scientists were beginning to have 一些科学家开始怀疑 serious doubts about the supposed benefits of our new diet. 我们新形成的饮食习惯存在隐患 If we change the pattern of food that we eat, 如果我们改变现在的饮食结
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第14期:城市并不适宜生活
One explanation for the worrying shift in disease patterns 疾病类型的转变一定程度上 was the change in what we were eating. 和我们饮食习惯的转变脱不了关系 The diseases we have now 现在常见的疾病 arterial disease, canc
纪录片《饮食变迁》 第15期:脂肪发生了质的改变
If you should weigh 12 stone and in fact weigh 16, 若合理体重是12英石 但你却有16 then your chances of death from a heart attack are 50% more. 那你死于心脏病的几率会增加50% With overweight goes high blood pressure, 超重还会导