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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第629期:check out check out 确认(调查),遥望,办理退宿手续(宾馆),出借(书籍) I'll check it out. 我会确认一下的。 Hey, check out that girl! She is really hot! 喂,快点看看那女孩!真性感啊! Your wife checked out t
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第630期:check on check on 确认 I called my apartment and checked on my grandma. 我给家里打了电话,问奶奶情况怎么样。 Jack ran forward to check on what was going on. 杰克急忙跑了过去,确认一下出了什么事。 I checked on her but she
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第631期:check over check over 仔细检查 It's time you had the doctor checked over. 你得找个大夫好好检查检查了。 How long does it take for a mechanic to check the car over? 技师检查车辆受损情况需要多久? The doctor is checking over a guy
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第632期:check with check with 询问某人 You'd better check with the boss. 你最好和老板确认一下。 Did you check with security? 你和保安确认过了? I wanted to check with you first. 我想先和你确认一下。 Check with me about stuff like this.
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第633期:check up check up 调查,确认 I'm going to go check up on your friend. 我得去看看你的朋友怎么样了。 Your ex-wife came by this morning to check up on you. 你的前妻今天早上来过,看了看你的状态。 The doctor can check up on hi
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第634期:check check 支票,账单 Will you pay for this in cash or by check? 您是要付现金还是支票? I'm going to pay for this with a check. 我要用支票支付。 Could I have the check please? 我能看看账单吗? Here's your check. That'll be
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第635期:need something need something 需要某物 If you need anything, feel free to ask. 如果需要什么,尽管向我要。 I need more time to think it over. 我需要多点时间来考虑考虑。 Do you need an answer right now? 你现在立马需要答复吗?
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第636期:need somebody need somebody 需要,渴望 You can go now. I don't need you anymore. 你现在可以走了。我不再需要你了。 We need you back. When can you come back? 我需要你回来。你什么时候能回来? Why do you need me anyway? 你到底为什
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第637期:need to need to 需要做某事,有必要做某事 I need to stay another day. 我得多待一天。 Hey, stay there! I need to talk to you. 喂,站住!我得和你谈谈。 I need to borrow some money. 我得和你借点钱了。 Let's get together. W
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第638期:You need to You need to ... 你应该做某事 You need to call her right now. 你现在得马上给她打电话。 You need to talk with your teacher. 你得和你的老师谈谈。 Do you need to get up early tomorrow morning? 你早上必须要早起吗? Do
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第639期:need somebody to need somebody to 需要某人做某事 I need you to get this done by tomorrow. 我需要你明天之前完成它。 Mom, I need you to sign this document. It's for school. 妈,我需要你在这文件上签个名,是学校要的。 You really do
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第640期:don't need to don't need to 没有的必要 I don't need to know the details. 我不需要知道详情。 I told you that you don't need to be here. 我告诉过你,你不需要待在这。 I don't need you to help me. I can do it myself. 我不需要你帮我,我
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第641期:All I need is... All I need is ... 我需要的就只有 All I need is five minutes. 我只需要五分钟。 All I need to do is have some more fun. 我只想获得更多的乐趣而已。 All I need to know is who you fell in love with. 我只想知道你到底爱着
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第642期:(There's) No need to... (There's) No need to ... 没有的必要 There's no need to be embarrassed. 没有必要感到惶恐。 There's really no need to explain. 真没有必要作解释。 No need to talk about it. 没必要谈论这个话题。 You need to clean up this
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第643期:I mean I mean 我是说 I mean he's been missing for several days. 我是说他失踪好几天了。 I mean I've been losing weight these days. 我是说这两天瘦了不少。 I mean today, not tomorrow. 我是说今天,不是明天。 I don't understan