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  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第570期:I thought (that) I thought (that) 我以为我原来在想 I thought last night was great. 我觉得昨天晚上很棒。 You let me down. I thought I could trust you. 你让我失望了。我以为能相信你呢。 To be honest, I thought you lied to all of us agai
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第571期:I think I will I think I will ... 我怕 I think I will stay here with her. 我怕我要和她留在这。 I think I'll go say hello to your wife. 我要去和你老婆打个招呼。 That's okay with me. I think I'll pass. 我无所谓,就算通过了。 Why don
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第572期:I'm thinking of I'm thinking of ... 我在考虑 I'm thinking of retiring soon. 我正在考虑早点退休呢。 I'm thinking of inviting Anne this weekend. 我正在考虑这周邀请安妮到家里。 I'm thinking about coloring my hair. 我正在考虑染头发。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第573期:think so think so 那么认为 I'm glad you think so. 我很高兴你能那么想。 I thought so, too, but she didn't want to see me. 我也那么认为,不过她不愿意见我。 I think we should go. Don't you think so? 我觉得我们应该走了,你是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第574期:think twice think twice 三思,慎重考虑 You should think twice before having kids. 你要在生孩子前好好考虑考虑。 I'm going to think twice before I try this. 我要在开始前好好考虑考虑。 There's always something bugging you. Think ha
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第575期:don't you think? don't you think? 你不觉得? It's about time for some tea, don't you think? 到了喝茶的时间了,你觉得呢? It's a little excessive, don't you think? 这有点过分啊,你不这么想吗? Well, that's a little easy, don't you thin
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第576期:than I thought than I thought 比我想的还 The exam was harder than I thought. 这次考试要比我想象中的难。 This is going to be harder than I thought. 这次要比我想象中的更难了。 You're meaner than I thought. 你比我想象中的还吝啬。
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第577期:What do you think of What do you think of...? 你觉得怎么样? What do you think of me? 你觉得我怎么样? What do you think of adding her to our team? 你觉得把她加到我们队里怎么样? What do you think about me staying the night? 你觉得我留下
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第578期:What do you think? What do you think? 你认为吗? What do you think she's going to do? 你以为她要去干嘛? What do you think I should order? 你觉得我应该点些什么? What do you think she wants? 你觉得她想要什么? We have to get a nice gif
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第579期:I think I think 在我看来 I think this is my worst nightmare. 我觉得,这是我做过的最坏的梦。 Since you saw mine, I think you have to show me yours. 既然你看了我的,我觉得你也应该让我看看你的。 I look at you and I think
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第580期:what I think what I think 在我看来 Do you know what I think? I think you were right. 你知道我是怎么想的吗?我觉得你是对的。 That's what I thought. 我正好也这么想。 Oh, it's exactly what you thought. 哦,这正是你所想的。 Is
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第581期:think less of think less of 看扁 (Please) Think nothing of it. It's no big deal. 不要在意,没什么大不了的。 No, I don't think less of you. Believe me. 不,我很在乎你,相信我。 She's not a big talker so I didn't think much of it. 她可不是
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第582期:think of think of 想 Let me think about it a little more. 让我再考虑考虑。 I haven't thought about marriage yet. 我还没想过结婚的事情。 Let me think about that and I will get back to you. 让我再想想,回头给你答复。 Don't even
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第583期:think of... as... think of ... as ... 认为是 People think of me as a hard worker. 人们觉得我是个工作狂。 Will, I think of you as a friend. 威尔,我把你当成朋友。 I like to think of myself as a freelancer. 我喜欢把自己当成一个自由职业
  • 老外最常用的英文短语 第584期:work hard work hard 努力工作 It's been a long day. We worked hard today. 今天真不容易啊。我们工作得很努力。 We're working around the clock. 我们昼夜不分地工作着。 I'm working hard to become a better man. 我要努力变成一个好