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  • PBS高端访谈:如何决定商家何时开业 JUDY WOODRUFF: As cities and states struggle to find the right balance between reopening and keeping people safe, the weight of those decisions fall squarely on small business owners. According to a new survey that the Census Bureau is taking weekly,
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  • PBS高端访谈:纽约市开始逐步重新开放 JUDY WOODRUFF: In the day's other news : New York City began a gradual reopening for up to 400,000 workers, after months of pandemic restrictions. At its peak, in April, COVID-19 killed more than 500 people a day in New York. The number now is in the
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  • PBS高端访谈:两名美国人在海外被定罪 Judy Woodruff: Two Americans overseas were convicted in controversial court cases watched closely here and around the world. Nick Schifrin now looks at former Marine Paul Whelan in Russia, sentenced to 16 years in prison, and the renowned journalist
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