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  • PBS高端访谈:脸书和推特受到质疑和批评 JUDY WOODRUFF: Social media under fire. Top executives of tech giants faced off with U.S. lawmakers today. Amna Nawaz reports. AMNA NAWAZ: A barrage of questions and criticism for the CEOs of Twitter and Facebook, appearing virtually before a Senate
  • PBS高端访谈:蓬佩奥探访戈兰高地和西岸定居点 Judy Woodruff: Today, in the Middle East, Mike Pompeo became the first secretary of state to visit the Golan Heights and a settlement in the West Bank. He also announced major shifts in U.S. policy. To discuss all this, I'm joined by our Nick Schifri
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普威胁到美国民主 JUDY WOODRUFF: And we continue our look at the president's actions and state of the Republican Party with former Arizona GOP Senator Jeff Flake. Senator Flake, thank you so much for being with us. So, we have the president still refusing to concede,
  • PBS高端访谈:服刑对家庭的影响 Judy Woodruff: The effects of mass incarceration in this country are felt by many more people than those convicted of crimes. Student Reporting Labs, which is our journalism training program, explores how the criminal justice system can create obstac
  • PBS高端访谈:拜登从竞选转向执政 JUDY WOODRUFF: And now we turn once again to our Yamiche Alcindor in Wilmington, Delaware. And this time, Yamiche, it is to talk about president-elect Joe Biden. What more are you learning about what he might say, signal tonight in his remarks? 朱迪伍
  • PBS高端访谈:选举人团投票即将开始 Hari Sreenivasan: For more on the President's continued baseless claims of victory, the Electoral College and the transition to a new presidential administration, Special Correspondent Jeff Greenfield joins us now from Santa Barbara. All right, Jeff,
  • PBS高端访谈:美国遭遇大规模黑客攻击 JUDY WOODRUFF: There is new and troubling information on a massive cyberattack against the U.S. The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Agency has determined that the recent hacking of federal, state, and local governments, as well as critical infrastru
  • PBS高端访谈:美国纳什维尔圣诞节爆炸 作案者只为出名? AMNA NAWAZ: And now to the Christmas Day bombing that rocked Nashville, Tennessee. We now know the who. The why remains a mystery. Stephanie Sy has our report. STEPHANIE SY: Investigators are still going through the wreckage, as they did all through
  • PBS高端访谈:特朗普"电话门"已犯法 JUDY WOODRUFF: We return now to President Trump's controversial hour-long phone call with Georgia's secretary of state this weekend. It raised a number of legal questions. For some answers, we turn again to Rick Hasen. He's an election law professor
  • PBS高端访谈:乔治亚州的权力转移 Judy Woodruff: At the same time, there was so much chaos unfolding at the Capitol today, we saw a shift of power in the U.S. Senate after the vote in the state of Georgia. Democrats won both the run-off, both run-off elections. And William Brangham h
  • PBS高端访谈:遭遇二次弹劾,特朗普学乖了 JUDY WOODRUFF: And before we go tonight, we return to our lead tonight, and that is to our Yamiche, who has more on what President Trump had to say late this evening after he was impeached for the second time -- Yamiche. YAMICHE ALCINDOR: That's righ
  • PBS高端访谈:纪念五位新冠逝者 JUDY WOODRUFF: As the U.S. death toll to COVID-19 reached another milestone, we want to take a moment now to remember some of the individuals we have lost to the pandemic. George Whitmore loved nature and spending time outdoors. He first learned how
  • PBS高端访谈:美国年轻人对新任总统的期盼 JUDY WOODRUFF: So, how does this historic inauguration look to young people? Our Student Reporting Labs reached out to our network of high school journalism programs to find out what they hope the new administration accomplishes. Here they are in the
  • PBS高端访谈:参议院即将确定特朗普弹劾审判时间 JUDY WOODRUFF: And now we turn our attention to Capitol Hill, and to our Dan Bush, who is tracking the action there. So, Dan, some late developments late this afternoon, early this evening, on the timing for that impeachment trial. DANIEL BUSH: That'
  • PBS高端访谈:叙利亚有这样一支超强女兵 JUDY WOODRUFF: Syria is entering its 10th year as a multifront battlefield. Civilians seek refuge from the brutal regime of Bashar al-Assad. And a residual U.S. force remains in the Northeast, guarding against the return of ISIS. For years, the U.S.'